Chapter 3

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The next morning at Teiko High School, I was walking to the hallways going to my first class. My stomach started growling a bit because I ate some fruits and drank black coffee for breakfast and that is not enough. I walked inside my classroom and sat alone. One of the fangirls got closer to me and pressure me to sit with them.

Fangirl 1: Come sit with me Kise-sama!

Fangirl 2: No he's sitting with me!

Fangirl 3: I want him to sit with me for a day!

The other fangirls gather around me like crazy telling me to sit with one of them. I tried to say no but I don't want to hurt their feelings. I feel like I'm being too nice to them.

Me: Eh girls too crowded-ssu!

I felt really nervous and I didn't know what to do. Then the teacher came in thank goodness. The teacher put his books down and looked at us.

Teacher: Alright take your seat guys, we have a pop quiz today on world war 2.

When my teacher said we have a pop quiz, I started to freak out. I wasn't aware that we had a pop quiz today and I didn't even study. I was so busy with my modeling job I barely had time to keep up with my school work.

Teacher: Alright the only thing you need on your desks are your pencils, take anything else off your desk. I'll be coming around to pass the quiz papers.

The teacher passed us the quiz papers while we took anything else off of our desks except for our pencils. Damn, I wish I had the lucky pencil that Midorimacchi gave me but I gave it to Aominecchi for his other class because he needs it more than me-ssu.

Teacher: Alright your quiz will begin now, and no cheating.

The teacher sat down on his desk and keeps an eye on us so we won't cheat. I looked at questions on the paper and I barely know the answer to any of them. I panic a bit and I circled one of the answer choices on each question. Well, it's better to fail than to cheat, so I did my best I can to answer them.

Teacher: Alright once you are done, you can put it on my desk and I will check on them while you guys sit back down on your seats.

I saw other students finishing their quizzes fast. I tried finishing up a bit but these questions are so hard to answer, I sighed a bit. I looked out the window and saw some people having a good time studying and eating some snacks. I wish I was one of those people...

Teacher: Alright you have five more minutes to finish the quiz for those of you who are still doing it.

I panicked quietly when he said five more minutes to take the quiz. Seriously?! Five more minutes?! So I answered as fast as I can while I was sweating a lot. I finished the quiz and walk to the teacher and gave it to him.

Teacher: Thank you.

I sat back down and sighed in relief. I can care less if I have a bad grade. I see other students passing their quizzes to the teacher. My stomach started growling and I hold my stomach. I hope my classmates didn't hear that. I can't have a certain amount of food which sucks. Murasakibaracchi is lucky he can eat whatever he wants and he never gets fat and he's tall. I wish this class is over so I can go to my next-period class that Aominecchi and my other friends are in.

My teacher finished grading them and he got up and looked at us.

Teacher: Alright I will pass out your quizzes and don't be surprised by what you get. Don't ask me to change your grade because it is not going to happen in this class.

The teacher passes our quizzes back. The teacher gave my quiz back and I looked at my grade. I felt shocked because I saw that I got a fifty percent on my quiz. Damn it! Why do I always keep failing every single test and quiz in each of my classes? Well except for English and Physical Ed class...

The bell rang and it was time for my next class. I stand up and got my stuff and walk to my next class. The fangirls are taking pictures of me on their phones which is so annoying but I have to fake a smile so they could see how nice I am. I walked to my next-period class and there is Aominecchi and Kurokocchi sleeping. I sat down at the back next to them.

Me: Hi Aominecchi! Hi Kurokocchi!

Aominecchi woke up and he yawns while Kurokocchi is still asleep. I chuckled at them.

Aomine: Hi Kise I'm tired...

Me: Typical Aominecchi-ssu.

Aomine: Oh by the way did you do your math homework?

I was shocked when he told me about the Math homework that was due today.

Me: Math homework?!

I freaked out and panic. I took out my math homework and it was blank. See I told you I can't keep up with my studies.

Aomine: Eh you forgot we had homework?

Me: Yes and because I was busy with my job I couldn't keep up with my school work...

I sighed a bit and Aominecchi tapped on my shoulder. I looked away and blushed a bit.

Aomine: Relax Kise, I forget to do my homework sometimes and Satsuki always scolds or nags me.

He chuckled as he took out his homework and he showed it to me.

Aomine: Here, you can copy my homework before the teacher gets here, Kise. My answers may not be correct but I tried.

I nodded as he lets me copy his homework. I looked at his answers and copied them on my homework before the teacher gets here. I kept copying his answers as fast as I can so I won't get in trouble. The teacher stepped in and I finished copying his homework.

Me: Thanks Aominecchi.

Aomine: No problem Kise.

We put our homework on our desks while the teacher walked to his desk and looked at us.

Teacher: Alright hand in your homework and we will cover up some of the problems on the board.

Kurokocchi woke up and rubs his eyes and I chuckle at his messy hair. We got up and put our homework on the teachers' desk and we sat back down. The teacher started teaching while I looked at the board and took a bit of note. While the teacher kept lecturing us, I kept thinking about my busy schedule for my work and school. I kept wondering why it is so hard for me to keep it up but I keep falling behind on my grades.

Suddenly my stomach starts growling again. I looked at the clock and it was not even close to lunchtime. Damn it, why does my stomach keep growling or aching when I ate breakfast this morning. I suddenly start sweating and shaking a bit but hold my body tight and calm down. Maybe I have a fast metabolism and that I need to eat every hour but... my manager won't even let me do it. It's like he doesn't care about my health and he only cares about my body image and my perfect looks just like most of my fangirls and my parents do. This is the sad reality of my life.

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