Chapter 1- The Ball

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Annalise POV: 3rd person

Annalise sat on the brassy golden chair and pinned back the front two pieces of her curly dark brown hair. She looked at the mirror, and satisfied, smiled at herself. Carefully applying eye makeup and lipstick, she looked ball ready. Prince Thor had won another arduous battle in a separate realm, so the castle was throwing a huge party to celebrate. Annalise's floor length gown was hanging overhead on her dresser. She placed it on, taking care to button each button on the back.

A sound of someone knocking reached her ears. "Yes?"

"Lady Annalise, your father says to be ready in 20 minutes." The voice was of her maidservant, Opal. She was a very timid person, but always punctual and polite.

"Of course, I'm already done." Annalise opened her doors.

"You look lovely. Lord Heimdall is just outside."

Annalise's heels made a small clacking sound
on the marble floor.


"My daughter! You look beautiful. Just like your mother."

"So I've been told!" Annalise joked.

"We must hurry to The Royal Palace. Lateness does not become us."

The palace ballroom was massive, large enough to occupy at least 10 thousand people if needed. Large gold and crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceilings and the floor was so brightly polished that Annalise could see her own reflection. She descended down the stairs, flanked beside her father in his uniform. A hum of chattering filled the air, and grandiose music, perfect for dancing, was being played by a large orchestra.

"I must step away for a moment to greet the Allfather. You will be quite alright on your own won't you?"

"Of course Father. I will go get myself some wine and watch the dancing."

"Very well. Have a good time Annalise. Enjoy yourself! This is your first ball in quite some time."

Annalise had been to hundreds of balls, but she still looked forward to every single one. She loved the dresses and fancy shoes. She loved dancing with handsome Asgardian warriors and forgetting their names the next day.

Heimdall left her and proceeded over to the small separate lifted platform where 4 thrones sat. One for each member of the Royal family. Prince Thor, Prince Loki, Queen Frigga, and King Odin. The only one up on the throne area though, was Odin. Safe to assume the others were around the room, reveling in the festivities.

She could see her father bow and then face the king. Heimdall's position and job was very important and so he regularly met with the Allfather, Odin. Annalise had once met Prince Thor at a ceremony many years ago but she had yet to meet any of the others of his family. Royalty was a bit intimidating to Annalise, besides she had never had a reason to meet them.

"Would you like some wine, miss?" A server asked her.

"Yes, thank you." She grabbed one of the glasses off of the platter he held. Roaming the room and slightly swaying to the music as she paced around, admiring the movement of people and the blur of colors.

"Enjoying the party?" A voice behind her asked.

She turned to see none other than Prince Loki. He wore his finest outfit, a mix of green and gold, his hair slicked behind his ears and his hands held together behind his back.

"Your highness!" She straightened her posture and then bent her knees into a curtsy.

"No need for that, I was merely asking if you were enjoying yourself. I noticed you swaying."

"Yes. The music is lovely."

"They seem to play the same style every time though, don't they?"

"Oh, of music? I suppose so, though I must admit I don't really mind it. Balls are one of my most favorite things."

"Well, I am glad. You are lovely, and I didn't even think this room could become even more beautiful than it already is, until I saw you."

"All politeness I see."

"I am a Prince."

"I apologize, I forget myself."

"What is your name, I wonder?"

"Do you care to know, your highness?"


"I am Lady Annalise, Daughter of Heimdall."

"Well, Annalise, I would ask you to dance but I have far more amusing plans, if you care to join me."

"That would be dependent on what they are."

"Well, the evening would simply not be complete without one of my famous tricks. It's what I'm known for, if you weren't already aware."

"Oh? I thought you were known for being a prince? I must be mistaken"

"It appears so."

"Well, what's the trick?"

"My brother, Thor, has sworn to our father that he would not drink one bit of anything at tonight's party. It's a small bet between the two of them. It took my father a bit of convincing to play this bet with Thor, he's not a very "fun" person, you see."

"Yes, I understand. Where do we come in?"

"We are going to put some very high concentrationed alcohol into his juice. It's a bit of magic, it has no bitter taste. Care to try some?"

"No. If I'm going to join your little joke then I should at least be sober while doing it." She sat down her wine glass at the nearest table as she said it.

"Glorious. All you need to do is talk to him or woo him and when he's distracted, pour it in. The whole bottle." He lifted the clear vile up to Annalise's face. It was about the size of a regular flask.

"Won't this be a bit of a bad idea?"

"Yes, but aren't those the best kind?"

"What do I get out of it?"

"Some fun."

Annalise laughed and took the flask from his hands, their fingers slightly touching.

"Count me in."

"I'll watch from afar, Lady Annalise."

Annalise had no clue what she'd just gotten herself into, but it was different, and it was out of the ordinary. And maybe just a tiny tinge rebellious.

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