... Pocky? (Chapter 8)

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AN: HOLA!!! I'm back with yet another chapter (after 1 dang month). I'm so sorry for not updating... Exams are bitches. So is laziness. So.. um.. Yeah. Also 600+ reads? Didn't think I could actually get that much! 25 votes? Dayum. Sorry for the major cringe that has been seen in here. I'll try and dial it down (and prolly fail ;-; ). That's enough about me, now onto the book! Let's get into it!

Denki POV

I pressed my fingers together, sitting down on the carpet. We had returned to the dorms, and now were sitting in the common room ( because Todoroki wanted a clean room and it had more space) . I stared at the ground, unblinking, taking my mind back to the events that happened in the store. I didn't know that happened to Shinsou... Maybe that's why he rarely shows emotions. Looking at my hand, I blushed, remembering how close we were and how we had holded hands while coming back. I felt something on my shoulder.

Shinsou: What's wrong Kaminari?

I went tomato again. I slowly turned my head to face him.

Denki: N- nothing's wrong. Umm, wanna watch some tiktoks together? 

He shrugged, so whipped out my phone. Just as I opened the app, Jirou came in waving a small box and yelling. I squinted my eyes, and then widened them, realising what the item in her hand was. I laughed, helping Shinsou up. He just looked at me with a confused expression.

Denki: I like how you think Jirou.

Shinsou: Umm- can someone please explain why there is this reaction to a packet of pocky-

I snickered and gathered everyone around.

Denki: Don't worry, I'll explain. I'm pretty sure most of you know what the pocky challenge is. If you don't, you're stupid.

Shinsou: Look who's talking.

I stuck my tongue out at him and continued.

Denki: AnYwAyS in this challenge a pair of people will be selected. For example, Ashido and Sero. One of them will put a pocky stick in their mouth, like so.

I kept a pocky stick in my mouth to explain.

Denki: Then, their "partner" will have to erm eat it in some way? Kinda like kissing. Umm, can you two demonstrate?

I gestured to Ashido and Sero. They looked at each other, shrugged and took a pocky stick. Sero kept it in his mouth, and Ashido leaned in, soon enough she had bitten the pocky and their lips met. It looked like it was getting heated, and I err... Had to intervene. They both went red and apologised, while I just laughed. Those two are so lucky, I wish me and Shinsou could have that... I sighed, and just continued.

Denki: I hope you understood by that demonstration. If you didn't, I don't care, and you can ask someone else because I don't have the mental capacity to do it :)

Kirishima: Has Ka- Bakugou rubbed off on you or somethin-

Bakugou: The fuck is that supposed to mean Ei?

Kirishima: It means what I said.

Kirishima just playfully punched Bakugou. He blushed and gave him a deluxe I-want- to- kill- you- but- won't glare and made a face at him. I blinked. Did those two confess yet? They'd make a sure as hell cute couple tbh-

Shinsou: You really need to stop spacing out like this...

I went red and started apologising. He giggled at me and got everyone's attention again.

Shinsou: So we gonna start or what?

~le time skip brought to you by my few month old anime obsession~

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