Movie Night (Chapter 10)

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AN: wElLlLl, another update! I'm sorry for the huge break, my lazy ass wasn't in the mood and I had writer's block. Thank you guys so much for 900+ reads! It means a damn lot to me, and I couldn't have done it without you guys. Ok, I should stop being sappy and start working on this chapter! Let's get into it!

Momo POV

I yawned and turned to the girl sitting beside me. Kyoka Jirou, Hero Name: Earphone Jack. So.. looks like it's Kyoka, huh? Oh well. I let a soft smile graze my face as I turned back to the group. We had decided on watching movies now, but the movie in question? That was still yet to be selected. There was currently a heated argument going on about it, actually.



Mina: Bakugou, you are LITERALLY one rank HIGHER than Midoriya-



Denki: Wait, Uraraka, you like anime?

Uraraka: OF COURSE I DO-

Todoroki: I thought we could maybe watch Frozen or something...

Everyone paused and slowly turned to face Todoroki.

Todoroki: What? It's relatable...

The sound of laughter filled the room. I looked towards the direction of the sound, on to see Kyoka bending over in laughter. I started giggling too, and soon enough everyone was dying of laughter. In the end we went with A Silent Voice (AN: My fav anime movie 💖) because why not? It's extremely popular and has a definite place on every anime lover's watch list. Kaminari put the DVD in the slot and clicked on "play". Everyone got blankets and positioned themselves comfortably on the couch. I just looked at the girl next to me and nudged her lightly.

Momo: Hey, do you want a blanket? It's kind of cold right now, you know?

Kyoka looked up at me, and quickly nodded, her face a little red. Pulling the blanket over the two of us, I chuckled. God, why was she so cute? I turned my attention to the movie.

~le time skip brought to you by my obsession with anime~

I silently wiped droplets of water off my face. Taking a look around, I could see everyone was moved by the movie, and I'm pretty sure everyone was in tears as well. Even Tokoyami, the one person I thought would be unaffected by the movie, shed a tear or two. I heard light sniffling beside me, and turned around, to see Kyoka in tears. I blinked a few times, before leaning towards her side and wiping the tears with my thumb.

Kaminari: God, get a room you lovebirds! Or at least head to one of yours-

My eyes widened as I processed what Kaminari said and meant. I then moved my eyes to Kyoka, who's face was red. Realising the position we were in, I jerked back with a tomato face, and started yelling at him. Way to ruin the mood... I heard some silent giggles. Turning to Kyoka, I grinned. Maybe tonight was going to be a lot more fun than I thought...

Denki POV

I yawned. After A Silent Voice, we decided to play My Neighbour Totoro, because it was a classic and we needed to up the mood a bit. Almost everyone were asleep, the only ones awake were me, Shinsou, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou. Yaoyorozu was looking at Jirou with an odd expression, and I grinned. I nudged Shinsou, and whispered into his ear.

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