Kiribaku's pocky! (Chapter 9)

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AN: Hey guys! back with another chapter. As you may know, today is the birthday of a very special person, a.k.a my angry boom- boom pomeranian! Yes, today we celebrate the birthday of a much- loved character from the anime Boku No Hero Academia, Katsuki Bakugou! Istg I love him so fucking much, but this ain't about me. As promised, here is the chapter that will be starring kiribaku! It will be shorter than the rest, but whatever. Let's get into it!

Kirishima POV

I twiddled my thumbs nervously. My mind went back to the pocky game.


Uraraka: Hey Bakugou! You and Kirishima should do the challenge you know! You're pretty close, so shouldn't be a problem right~

I blinked, and blushed a bit. I mean, it wasn't as if I didn't want to kiss him, because I did. I really did. But what would the others think? Would they be upset? Would they get mad at us? Would they.. not accept us? Honestly, he deserves so much better than me... I could feel my breath quickening, and my pupils diluted in fear. I felt a hand on my wrist. Kat looked at me for a moment, then pulled me up. I dragged me out of the room, and ran to a restroom stall. Locking the door behind him, he kept a hand on my cheek. He pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked for a moment, but just as I was getting into it, he pulled away. Then he hugged me. 

Kirishima: K- katsuki I'm sorry..

Bakugou: Eijirou don't you ever be sorry. If something bothers you, just tell me, okay? I will beat the fuck out of whoever made you feel this way. 

I looked up, and I could see he meant it. I smiled, tears of joy coming into my eyes. His sincere look quickly turned into a worried one.

Bakugou: W- what- Oh fuck- Did I say something wrong- I'm new to this relationship thing, I-

I shut him up with a kiss. 

Kirishima: No, it's just that you're too fucking sweet and manly.

He gave a small smile as he a held his hand out for me. I gladly took it and we ran out the stinky restroom. We ran through the hallway, hand in hand, and I stopped him right outside the door of the common room (AN: I forgot to say that they went back to the common room cuz Todoroki's room was too small to sleep in- ). He gave me a confused look, and I just grinned. Placing a hand on his cheek, I slightly went on my toes to give him a peck on the lips. He stared with a red face as I giggled. I stopped being on my toes and returned to my normal height, winking at him as I skipped into the room. I few moments later he came in, looking like a whole dang tomato. Uraraka just stared at him, looking confused as to what happened that could make him like that. She then noticed me looking at him, and widening her eyes, wiggled her eyebrows. I gave her a clueless, innocent look and called Kat to me.

Bakugou POV

I blinked, touching my lips with my fingers. I then remembered the kiss he gave me. UGH THAT SHITTY HAIR, I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE HIM JHMMFFNJHVFSVCM- Taking a deep breath, I start running my hand through my hair. Why the fuck does he have to make me so flustered! Ugh. I walk in the room, noticing Shitty hair giving me a smug look. I make a face at him, and on hearing him calling me, walk to sit by him. That pink cheeked idiot kept gawking at me and him, making those weird eyebrow movements. I rolled my eyes. How pathetic, really. She ran up to us suddenly, and shoved a pocky stick in my hand. Giving me a weirdly suggestive look, she gestured to Ei and ran off. I blinked, then realised what she was getting at. I looked at Eijirou, with a worried expression. Would he be fine with this? Barely 5 minutes ago I think he was going to have a panic attack, so I don't know-

Kirishima: Katsuki, it will be fine. Anyways, we can pull away last moment right? Annoy Uraraka even more?

Bakugou: Tsk. Fine

I put the stick between my teeth, and Eijirou was on the other side of it. We slowly started to nibble across it, and soon we were about to have our lips meet. Just as I was about to pull away, I felt a force on my back and our lips met. I moved away as quickly as I could, and ran after the person who pushed me. THAT STUPID PINK- CHEEKED- ROUND- FACED BITCH-

Kirishima: Kat, cHiLl-

I sighed and stopped chasing her. I plopped down on the armchair next to Ei, sighing loudly in the process. I gave Round face a glare, but didn't go after her. I looked at my boyfriend, and couldn't help a smile. He looked so beautiful in that moment, hair falling in his face, eyes shining like rubies, cheeks dusted with a faint pink blush, lips looking so kissable- Woah Katsuki, slow down. That stuff is for when we're alone. We're in public goddamnit. But he IS pretty adorable, can't deny that. I remembered the kiss. I know neither of us had a problem with it in general, but in front of everyone? That fully gets rid of the idea of us keeping it a secret! As much as I hate the shitty nerd, I couldn't deny the fact that his idea was perfect payback. I gave him a concerned look.

Bakugou: Eijirou, are you okay? I will beat the fuck out of Round Face later, I promise-

Kirishima: NOOOOO Katsuki you are NOT beating Uraraka up. And I'm fine. Honestly.

He gave me a soft smile, and I looked away, blushing. God damn his cute self.


Done with another chapter! This is a tribute to our baby Bakugou, the cutest and most adorable Pomeranian in the entire universe!

Why did I upload so weirdly quickly for someone like me? My holidays started, that's why. So, all I can say is.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Obviously this chapter is much shorter than the others, because this is a chapter describing what happened to 1 couple in the last chapter. Also I spent wayyy less time on this ;-;

Ok I'm ranting too much rn

Anyways, see you in the next chapter, love y'all <3

Word Count: 1140 words


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