Your Arranged Fiance Loves Your Sister - 전 정국

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The sun was high up in the sky, warming the earth. It was a beautiful morning in Seoul but your parents dreaded this morning – this time, in general. They couldn't enjoy such a beautiful morning because of their sick daughter.

They had been worried sick, crying the whole night. You had awoken this morning and the doctors had filled you in about your condition. You were shocked to know about having such a disease but even more shocked at the fact that you had this when you were young as well.

You were a bit sad on the realization that you had a diseasethta doesn't have a cure which could result in you, dying. Your cousin, Park Jimin had been stuck to you like glue as well as your parents as soon as you woke up. "Here's your breakfast, Y/N!"Doctor Seokjin said in a cheerful voice, putting the tray of food down on the table and moved it closer to you.

Seokjin's father also walked in the room, greeting your parents who were sitting on the couch in the room. You smiled at him but it fell as you felt Jimin sit even more closely to you. That guy had been sitting beside you on your bed, hugging you and all, not leaving you alone all morning.

Your breathed out sharply and pushed Jimin off the bed. "This bed is for patients, not for doctors! Stop trying to take my bed or I'll make you a patient by whooping your pathetic ass!"you growled at him. Your mother gasped at language while your father faked a cough.

Your eyes widened when you realized that senior Doctor Kim was present in the room. You bit your lip as you faced him. Unlike his son, he was a man of honors and using foul language was never in his personality. "I-I'm sorry, doc—"

"It's fine, I guess. Everyone lives life differently"he chuckled awkwardly as he cleared his throat. "Doctor Seokjin and Doctor Park will be asking you some questions. Please, answer them accurately. We need it"he said as he rose a brow at you. You nodded as you understood by what he meant.

He needs information to save me. Haha, I think it's better to die than to make people run around for an uncureable disease, you thought as you rolled your eyes at the thought. You nodded and Doctor Kim smiled before moving out of the room. Your parents also followed him out the room, leaving you alone with the 2 doctors.

Jimin playfully hummed as he gave you a stern gaze. "Better answer them, missy"he smirked and you grabbed the spoon from the tray, threatening him. Seokjin sighed as you and Jimin stopped moving. "So, you mean, you're close by acting childish"he scoffed and Jimin laughed.

"None of your fucking business! Anyway, let's start the questions"Jimin uttered as he grabbed his clipboard.

"There's only one though, how bad have you experienced the headaches and nosebleeds?"Doctor Seokjin said as he grabbed his pen. You pursed your lips as you cleared your throat.

"They both started together. About 2 months ago, like in the first month, I would have nosebleeds at work or headaches but they weren't that bad. I thought I got them from the stress of work and so, I just took painkillers. But in the second month, I'd experience them everyday, I would get nosebleeds, that's for sure. And for headaches, maybe once or twice in every 2 days. They became worse as time passed by"you said and looked at the 2 doctors writing away on their clipboards.

"You should've told your mother at least when the pain became worse"Jimin said as he scowled at you. You pouted at him. "I guess that'll be all. I'll be leaving, please eat your food"Doctor Seokjin said as he playfully glared at you. You giggled as you nodded. You watched as he left the room and you chuckled to yourself. "Who would want to eat trashy food, please"you sang through gritted teeth, glaring at the food.

Jimin clicked his tongue as he approached you and flicked your forehead. "It's good for health, see you later"he said as he kissed your forehead and gave you a small hug whilst ruffling your hair and he walked out of the room, leaving you alone. You sighed and looked at the food helplessly.

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