Chapter 3

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Kyla's PoV:

The next morning, we walked to the nearest town. We know that every morning there starts a Trash transport to Raxus the garbage planet where we need to get to for those force stones. The only problem is there are Soldiers everywhere in that town so we have to sneak to the garbage ship without seen. Our prison uniforms make it worse but we had no chance to buy clothes so it was our only choice. It was still dark and we could easily climb over the town walls. We jumped from roof to roof staying low and as silent as possible. As we arrived in the middle of the town we saw the ship but there were like fifteen soldiers guarding it. 'Yo we need a distraction' I said. Sion than told us 'one of us should shoot at one of those explosives' I nodded and got in position. I took one of my new pistols from my hip and pointed it at the explosives. I counted down from three and shot. And then a loud bang could be heard. All the soldiers looked in that direction and ten of them ran in there. The other five got all thrown against a wall by us. We ran to the ship and got to the cockpit. We started the ship and flew away after throwing the whole crew out. Sion flew the ship while we others searched the ship. We found some clothes some weapons money and food.

Timeskip flight

After arriving on Rexus we hid he ship in a cave near the landing spot for the transporters. We sat down on the entrance of the cave and waited for a transporter to come. We waited that whole day when it became night. We took shifts in observing. In the middle of the night when it was my shift. I sensed a transporter I woke the others and they told me it was a stone transporter so now it was our time to shine. We sneaked to the back of the ship and I cut a hole in it with my laser claws. We all took as many as we could carry and ran back to our ship we quickly loaded the stones on our ship and took off.  

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