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Hi! I imagine that the castle looks like the one in the header photo

Please remember that you are very loved 💛

especially u @millie_yeh (she's my irl friend, don't worry. She reads my work to see if its okay <3)

"We have just arrived at your destination," the train operator announced. The rowdy crowd all chattered in excitement as they collected their bags, waiting for them to be allowed to get out of the train. As much as George was excited, he couldn't avoid the fact that he had just left everything he knew of.

He had just abandoned his home.

George and the blonde woman next to him prepared to get off the train. George looked at her leather bag, the word "Niki" was imprinted on the detailed design.

"Thanks again for giving me the window seat. It meant a lot to me," George said.

The blonde raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "Oh, don't worry!" she laughed gently.

"The doors of the train are open now," the conductor proceeded to talk. George and Niki started to walk down the isle of the train, pushing past new boarders and people who were rushing to get their luggage.

George wondered why Niki was here, most people here were either to visit family or the castle. Niki didn't seem like a tourist, though.

"Do you live around here?" George asked in a curious tone.

She shook her head, "I work at the castle in this town, it's really pretty. Good pay too," Niki said. George stopped walking, turning to face Niki.

"No way!" he wanted to clarify.

Niki nodded, slightly puzzled. "Do you mean about the castle... or about my pay?..."

"The castle! I was just recently hired. Tomorrow's my first working day!" George exclaimed excitedly.

"Actually?" Niki said happily, jumping around excitedly. "So you're the new person in the castle?"

Before George could reply, Niki started rambling on and on about castle ground rules. She seemed passionate about what she did. She was a gardener, but she also helped in the kitchen sometimes.

"Oh! And there's the castle garden. I'm actually a gardener there! There's also the tea garden near the west wing. Princess Drista and her older sister like hanging out there a lot," she explained excitedly, using hand gestures to add emphasis on things.

"The Prince is... I guess quite mysterious. I think he's just lonely. Only the Queen has been outside of the castle walls recently. I've heard that the royal children went to visit another country once, but other than that," Niki shook her head in dismay, "I feel bad for them."

"Me, too," George said, but in reality, he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oh! Then there's the Queen. She's sweet but just don't get on her bad side. She's getting crankier because apparently there's a war that's about to happen," Niki noticed George's panicked face and added, "It's bound to not happen, so don't look so worried."

George sighed of relief. "Good, I don't want to die on my first day here."

Niki laughed softly. "That's good to know."

They chatted for a while they walked out of the station and into the open. George instantly spotted the large castle in the distance. "Gorgeous, isn't it?" Niki asked. George agreed without a single word.

He looked at the grass that surrounded the castle. It looked yellow, but he knew that it was green. "Well," Niki said, interrupting George's main character moment.

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