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Still George POV

"We're here!" Tubbo cheered as we entered a nice, flat field. The grass seemed to stretch for miles.

"Ughhh, finally," I groaned. I was tired from all the walking. I was so tired that in the middle of the walk, Wilbur offered me a piggy-back ride. Of course, being the tired and lazy person I was, I cheerfully accepted it.

"We should get the tents set up..." Wilbur said softly, still in awe of the view. Everyone nodded and started getting stuff ready. Wilbur turned and noticed the two younger boys chasing each other around the grass planes. "You too, Tommy and Tubbo," he said, chuckling.

"Oh, okay!" Tubbo concluded. He didn't seem bothered at all. He happily bounded towards where everyone was standing and started to nail pegs into the ground. Tommy surprisingly didn't fight about it and joined Tubbo and Ranboo.

The campsite was filled with chatter and laughter as we got all the tents set up. Peace spread across us as the sun started setting.

"Aww, it's so pretty," Niki observed as she smiled into the horizon. We sat in a straight line, facing the sunset. I nodded, agreeing with her.

Because of my colorblindness, I could only see shades of yellow, but I didn't mind much, it was gorgeous. The sun dipped below the field, a blanket of dark spreading above us. The small specks of stars scattered across the inky surface above.

We sat there in utter silence, sitting there quietly. It was as if one small breath can shatter the tranquil atmosphere. We stared off into the distance, the sound of trees rustling in the background.

Out of the blue, Tubbo's innocent voice broke through the stillness. "This is kinda boring, isn't it?" Tommy laughed hysterically, agreeing with Tubbo. "Yeah, we wanna do big man stuff," Tommy announced proudly.

Someone sighed and some movement signaled that they got up. I couldn't see them in the dark, but I could tell that they weren't really upset at Tommy, they were just fooling with them. "Should we get the fire started?" the shadow, who appeared to be Wilbur, asked.

"Yeah," the others responded. Like me, they probably weren't that fond of being in the dark for the remainder of the day.

I sat watching the sky as the others got up to start the fire. I could hear distant yells and chatter. Sitting about two meters away from me, was a figure. Even with the fire a long distance away from me, I couldn't make out the person.

Wilbur? Phil? Can't be Bad... Oh, maybe it's...

"Hey, George right?" the figure spoke. He had a deep voice, tinted with a hint of mystery, but also a bit of friendliness in the mixture.

"Um, yeah," I said awkwardly, unaware of how I was supposed to respond.

"Call me Techno. We met before," the man said.

Techno? Oh, that guy. The one who was mean to Bad? Couldn't be.

Maybe he's just bad at setting first impressions? I shrugged it off.

We sat there in silence, still facing the night sky. "So... what's your business at the castle? Sorry if I sound a bit rude," I said apologetically. 

"No, no," Techo responded happily. "I'm the head of guards, that's why I'm away most of the time, even on breaks. So I'm pretty happy that I got to slip out for a day of rest," he said. "I grew up in the castle, didn't know much. Basically only knew about the guardhouse or the castle gates.

My father was the old Head of Guards, so after he retired, I got the job," he chuckled a little. "It was quite lonely, at the castle. Sure, the people there were nice and all, but it wasn't the same. But I met someone like me when I was eight or something. I can't remember anymore.

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