Chapter 2- The Mysterious River

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     Finn sits up in his sleeping bag, eyes gazing at his surroundings. It was a mess, as usual, but when he notices Jakes empty bed and the smell of waffles, he rushes downstairs. Plopping himself beside the table, he waits to be served. Whistling, Jake pours maple syrup all over the large mountain of gloden crsip waffles.

     "Dude!" Finn began, "You make the most radical stuff my hungry stomach has ever eaten! Where did you learn to make all this?"

     "It's all from my moms recipes, man. Mothers always know how to make the best foods. And Lady loves it when I cook. If you want to get yourself a lady you best learn how to cook. Once you show off your cooking skill, all the Princcess' will be on you like bees to honey."

     "Haha, okay man." Fin grabs his fork.

     Jake sits besides Finn, serving himself. Finn stuffs his mouth full, and both sit in silence as they eat.





     Finn and Jake look at eachother, then back at the stack of waffles, then back to eachother. Finn gets up to pour himself a cup of milk, thinking about what they should do today.

     "Hey, Jake..."

     "Ya man?"

     "What should we do today?"

     "I don't know. Movie night was pretty fun last week, the Ice King hasn't caused any trouble so far, and band practice isn't until tonight..."


     "Whatcha thinking Finn?"

     "Well, how about we stop by the Candy Kingdom to pick up some sweet snacks and then drop by Marcelines' place early for band practice? We could even play cards." Jakes eyes grow huge. "Regular cards dude, not your crazy game set-up."

     "Aw, fine."

     BMO walks in and sits on the table.

     "Hey Finn, Jake, want to play some videogames?"

     Jake looks at Finn and together they grab the controls.

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     After a few hours of gaming, Finn and Jake head out to the Candy Kingdom. Along the way they battle a troll, Jake plays his viola, and together they destroy restless skeletons, sending them back to their graves.

     As they enter the gates to the kingdom, they notice that everyone is unusually cheerful.

     "Hey Jake. What's going on?"

     "I don't know, lets go ask PB."

     Peppermint Butler leads them to PB, eyeing their skins. Totallly creeped out, Jake sees PB pruning her flower garden. Finn follows behind him, but stops to admire Stormo. He smiles, then rushes off to catch up to Jake and PB as they walk into the castle. Jake is already explaining their plan to PB.

     "So, we were hoping you had some yummy treats you would like us to take to Marcelines'."

     "Well" PB mumbled, "I think I have some sugar lollipops and suckers you could take." Leading them to the kitchen she hands them two packages. "Make sure you don't open them until I get there. But these.."PB hands them a jumbo bag of chips. "These you can eat. Tell Marceline I'll be a bit late tonight. A few of my candy people wandered off this morning,  bringing with them strange stories about the new river..."

     "River?!" Finn puts the treats in his bag," Is that what's got everyone acting all happy and junk?"

     "Oh, of course! I almost forgot to tell you guys. Come check this out!" Together the trio makes their way to the back of the palace. In the open field they notice a huge river. It doesn't seem to be flowing very fast, but at its newly made banks, tons of Candy People plants are growing. "This is why everyone is so excited. Ever since this mysterious river formed, we've been harvesting extra food. We plan a banquet this weekend. You two are invited of course."

     Finn and Jake agree, and after small chit-chat Finn and Jake bid PB goodbye and head off to Marcelines house. Finn is lost in his thoughts when something nudges his mind.

     "Hey Jake."

     "What's up? You need another potty break?"

     "Nah man, I was just wondering. Remember how PB said she was gonna be late, 'cause of the Candy people telling strange stories and stuff? About the river?"

     "Yah, what about it?"

     "You think we should check it out?" Jake is quiet for a bit then replies.

     "PB already said she was going to check it out herself, so later tonight at band practice she can explain it to us. Don't overthink things too much man, everything figures itself out eventually."

     "Oh, ya. Cool man..... And Jake?"

     "Ya man?"

     "I need a potty break..."

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