Chapter 13- A Promise

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     Peppermint Butler grows enraged by Simons apperence. Using all his strength he sends an inferno of flames at Simon, Marceline in the line of fire.

     Marceline tries to dive out of the way, but instead she rams into something cold. She opens her eyes to see Simon. He smiles at her and puts his arms around her. She's comforted, if only for a moment, by the fact he is still alive. She can feel the flames coming up behind them both. Finn and Jake can only watch in terror as the flames engulf them both.

     "NO!" Finn cries, lifing up his sword. "MARCELINE! SIMON!" Jake holds Finn back as the flames continue to burn.

     "AHAHAHAHA!!" Peppermint Butler has gone mad. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO STAND IN MY WAY!" Peppermint Butler doesn't plan on stopping his attack, but he is cut short as Hunson kicks him across the beach and into the water.

     Peppermint sputters and cokes on the sea , taking a moment to find his footing in the shallow water. A rage burns in his eyes.


     "SILENCE!" Hunson stands between Butler and the shore. "You have been a great friend to me over the years, and in the times of which I tried to return Marceline to the Nightosphere.. but.." Hunsons stance becomes feirce, his voice harsh, "But if you ever try to hurt her again, I swear I will hunt you down and skin you MYSELF!"

     "How dare you stand against me!" Peppermint Butler countered, "I have done so much for you and you choose to stop me now?! We are so close!"

     "No!" Hunson retaliated, "If having to harm my daughter is the only way to return her to the Nightosphere, then I rather she spend the rest of eternity in the land of Ooo!"

    Peppermint Butler lost the last of himself.

     "I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH TRAITOROUS ACTIONS TO GO UNPUNISHED!" With a swift motion Peppermint Butler sends a sharp jolt of electricity through Hunsons body. Hunson can only grasp at his chest as he struggles to breathe. "I WON'T LET EVEN YOU, HUNSON ABADEER, LORD OF THE NIGHTOSPHERE, BETRAY ME- AAAHAAAHAAAHAAAH!"

     Just then Finn uses his sword to block the electricity, Jake pulling Hunson to safety.

     "Jake! Let's go!" Finn sprints towards Peppermint Butler, sword raised to attack, leaping into a ninja-kick stance. His kick connects with Peppermint Butlers' head.

     Peppermint Butler retaliates with fireballs, but Jake blocks them just barley with his enlarged body. This allows Finn to leap above and continue with the attacks. Peppermint Butler is forced back, further and further into the sea.

     "I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY SUCH MEASLY A BEING!" Peppermint Butler shouts as he raises his hand, bringing up sharp rocks from below the surface of the water. "I WILL NOT LOSE!" Peppermint Butler releases the shards unto Finn, the force of them tossing Finn like a ragdoll.

     "Finn!" Jake shouts, reaching out his arm to catch him. However, just as Jake is close enough to grab Finn, a sharp pain cripples him to the ground. Peppermint Butler has used the same electric attack, but now intensified by his anger. Jakes' cries fill the air, unable to save himself.

     "HAHAHAHAHA!" Peppermint Butler cackles, "HAHAHAHAHA!" He makes his way back onto the shore. Finn is unconcious, his body beaten and brusied. Jake is only just hanging on, his body limp. Hunson can only watch in silence, his nervous system overloaded by the electrcity. "NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER SHOWED THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF GRATITUDE TO ME. I'VE PROTECTED YOUR KINGDOMS, SERVED EACH OF YOU WHEN YOU NEEDED PROTECTION. I'VE EVEN SPENT MY LIFE TRYING TO FUFILL YOUR WISHES!

     Peppermint Butler raises his hands to the sky, the darkness of clouds blocking the stars. They light up with the electicity as it builds in the clouds.

     "Now you can finally pay me back. With your lives!" He brings his arms down. Hunson, Finn and Jake can only watch as the bolt of lightning flies towards them, fear in their eyes.


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