Chapter 9- The Nightmare Begins

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    Just an FYI, this is where the story changes. This isn't just a kid story. This is going to get serious. WARNING: Contains blood/violence. Don't worry though, I don't write gory stuff. *Spoiler Alert* X) It's just to add some reality to the story, and to show that these characters can still get hurt... and some will die... WHOOPS! Gtg!


     The skies the next morning were frightful. Its seemed as if in one night all the happiness in the Land of Ooo had disappeared, and fear had replaced it. The land was nearly silent, except for the howls of a lone wolf from time to time. In the feilds of the Ice Kingdom, shadows covered everything, allowing Marceline to travel with Finn, Jake, and Simon towards the Tree House. Finn was certain he had a few extra weapons floating around somewhere that they coud use against Hunson and Peppermint Butler.

     They reach the front door, when Jake notices the lights in Finns' room are on. Marceline urges Finn to go first. Finn looks back at Simon for some back up, but he can only offer a shrug and a thumbs up. Finn gulps, but pushes the front door open, holding his sword in front of him.

     The house is quiet, the humming of the fridge echoing from the kitchen. Finn checks out the front room, then climbs up the ladder to check the second floor. Marceline floats close to him, watching his back. Simon and Jake stay on the first floor, keeping a lookout from the windows. Marceline taps Finn on the shoulder, pointing upward. Finn nodds, heading back to the ladder after he's checked that the 2nd floor is clear.

     Climbing up the ladder, Marceline floats up past Finn, wanting to check the 3rd floor first. If her father was here, she wanted to face him. She didn't want to risk Finn getting hurt like the last time. It was her family problem. Just as she's about to reach the top, something pulls her back down. She looks back down to hiss, but stops when she sees it's Finn holding onto her ankle. She tries to argue but Finn just climbs past her, pulling his sword out. Marceline tries to stop him but he just climbs into the room anyway.

    Eveything is dark except for the bathroom. Finn can hear someone shuffling around, so he sneaks in Ninja style towards the bathroom.

     "Hi-ya!!!" Finn jumps through the doorway, swinging his sword around. BMO falls off the counter and into the tub. Marceline floats in just as Finn stops swinging, breathing heavily. Marceline notices BMO in the tub.

     "Oh-no, BMO!" Rushing over, Marceline picks him up and puts him on the counter. BMO is all fritzy at first but eventually he calms down.

     "Finn? Marceline? What are you doing here? I thought everyone had left?" BMO jumps off the counter and hugs Finns' legs. Finn laughs and picks BMO up again.

     "BMO," Finn asks, "How did you escape? I would of thought they had taken everyone by now."

     ""They did come, but the man with the suit left me here. He said I was useless." BMO frowns, "It made me sad." Finn smiles, patting BMO on the back.

     "That's okay BMO. We all know you're not useles. You make the most mathmatical games I've ever played! No one else in the whole entire land of Ooo can do that." BMO smiles.

     "Come on BMO," Marceline urges,"Wanna come help us beat the crud out of my dad?" BMO thinks for a while, but agrees.

     "That will be most fun. Wee hee hee!" BMO hops off the counter and runs around the bedroom, until he finally jumps down the ladder. Marceline and Finn laugh, following after him.

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