Chapter 4- Hero Time

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     The kingdom was in chaos. All the candy people were starting to lose their sweetness in the rain, and some were close to exploding by the time Finn, Jake, and Marceline arrived. PB was in charge of calming the little ones down, while Peppermint Butler and Marceline rescued those caught behind the flooding riverbanks, at an incredible speed too. The Protectors of the Candy Kingdom were blowing bubbles to cover the kingdom, and prevent further flooding.

     Finn was exaughsted, but he continued to search for candy people. As the last of the Candy people were rescued, they realized one candy person was missing. Starchy. Finn tries to talk over the raging winds.

     "PB! WHERE'S STARCHY?!" The wind blows harsher, covering PB words, but Finn notices her pointing towards the sky. "HE DIED!!!!" PB facepalmed.



     From above, someone begIns to shout. Finn and Jake looked up to see Starchy, running in a panic back and forth on the falling tower.

     "Oh No!" Starchy shouted,"Starchy's in trouble, yes indeed! Starchy needs some help!"

     "Don't worry," Finn yells,"We're on our way!"

     Finn leaps onto Jakes' back, and Jake streches forward towards the tower. At the last moment, Finn jumps onto the tower. Jake holds the tower together long enough for Finn and Starchy to crawl back onto his arm.

     "Okay Jake!" Finn shouts."Let her fall, and lets get out of here!"

     With a loud crash the tower drops, shattering splinters of wood and bricks everywhere. finn and Jake catch up to the others. No one knows where to go.

     Together everyone rushes off to saftey in Finn and Jakes' Tree House. Extra pillows and blankets are passed around, Ice Cream Doctor and Doctor Princcess called over to check out any injured candy people. Soon everyone is settled down and fast asleep. The storm begins to calm, the full moon lighting the sky. The skies finally clear in the early hours of the morning, stars disappearing as dawn breaks over the mountains.

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     The sun peaks over the hill and onto the Tree House. However, there's hardly any room left inside. Candy people galore sleep all around, but Finn and Jake are nowhere in sight. PB wakes up, and readys herself to check how the Kingdom handled the chaos.

     The birds are singing loud and clear, but no one is singing along. Gloomily, PB walks towards her home, or whatevers left of it. As she passes over the hill she finally gets her first glimpse at the Candy Kingdom. What she sees startles her. Despite all the damage, it seemed that the main buildings and the castle itself were only damaged to a minimum. Tears of joy rush down her face, when she notices something else. It seems there are people in the village as well, helping to rebuild it.

     Jake is helping to carry heavy peices of debree out of the Kingdom, while Finn and Marceline work to clean up mud that covers the cobblestone streets. Peppermint Butler is nailling fresh boards to the tops of roofs, much to his dismay. All around the kindgom the bannana gaurds and any well-able candy people work to collect any salvagable food and items.

     Finn notices PB, leaving his shovel with Marceline as he jogs over to her.

     "Hey PB. Glad to see you're up. How do you feel?"

     "Well, Finn I'm really relieved. I thought the worst was happening when we left but in the daylight it doesn't seem that bad." Finn smiles.

     "Hey PB, you know how you guys were going to have a party this weekend?" PB nodds,"Well, come check this out!"

     Finn leads PB into the Castle, where there seems to be close to no water damage. They reach the kitchen and much to PB relief, there is a large stock of food. PB looks at Finn for an explanation.

     "Well," Finn begins,"You guys had so much food from the river, that your Candy People hoarded it all in here. Peppermint Butler said it should be enough for the entire Kingdom until you get your plant-thingys growing again."

     PB was so happy. Everything wasn't as bad as it seemed. But now, as they left the kitchen together, a thought crossed her mind about the river. When they got outside, PB stopped Finn.

     "Hey, Finn?"


     "You know how I told you the Candy people had strange stories about the river?"

     "Oh ya. Marcilne, Jake and I were wondering the same thing too. But the whole flooding happened and I forgot to ask you about it."

     "Well, I never would have believed the stories of the candy people if that flood hadn't happened..."

     "What do you mean Princess?"

      "Um... You see Finn, the Candy People that ventured out to the forest were just a couple of kids. No one ever believes them, since their always coming up with lies all the time."

     "What did they say?"

     "They said that, the water that made the river was coming from the Ice Kingdom. And they said that a lot of the Ice there was melting away..." Finn gave PB a look of confusion."You see Finn, I figured that if the Ice Kingdom was melting, the water levels would be a lot higher, so I dissmissed the children's stories and figured the river was created by a small break in the ice." PB looked out to the Ice Kingdom, but noticed that it was gone. "FINN! Look! Look over there!" Finn looked out towards the Ice Kingdom, his eyes growing wide. 

     "Princess Bubblegum," Finn whispered," I didn't really understand much of what you said about the melting ice and river and stuff, but  what I do know now, is that something in the Ice kingdom has to be seriously wrong."

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