Adventure In the New World

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The next day, Steve and Jackson awake and enter their living area to be greeted by Grimmus who had an entire feast laid out in front of them.

Steve: Hey there, Grimmus, what's all this?

Grimmus: Why, this is yours! Do you not like it? I can go get some fresh stuff if you don't!

Steve: Oh, no, that's not it at all! I just can't believe that you made all of this.

Grimmus: Oh, I didn't! No one did really. That's another thing that we've managed to make happen here. We have machines that will actually cook whatever we want them to, so I just gave them a few little requests and here we are! The best part.. It's all fresh!

Steve: Wow, that is quite impressive, I must say. Thank you loads Grimmus, it's much appreciated.

Grimmus: The pleasure is all mine your highness. It's the least I could do for two people that have been so kind as to help me with this project the way that you have! Well, I suppose I'll let you two eat. I have to get back to work anyways. Enjoy your meal my friends, you've earned it.

Grimmus exits the room, and Steve and Jackson begin to feast on all that Grimmus had brought to them. As the two eat, they begin discussing what all they'd like to do for the day.

Steve: If we have enough free time, you down for going out and doing some exploring for a bit?

Jackson: Yeah, sure thing. I am kinda curious to find out how this world is outside of this giant lab.

Steve: Alright then, the second we get done eating, we'll go do some adventuring.

The two would finish eating after about thirty minutes. Once they finished, they would both enter their own separate rooms and grab their clothes that Grimmus had prepared for them. Steve exited his room wearing a pair of jet black pants as well as a skin tight shirt of the same color with the symbol for Delta being in green on the right side of his chest. Jackson would exit his room soon after with near identical clothing on with the only difference being the symbol on his chest would be a red Omega symbol. Once the two got done getting ready, they exited the room and began making their way to the exit of the building. Once they reached the exit, they were greeted once again by all the enormous buildings and structures that the two were met with upon originally coming. Once again in awe, Steve and Jackson would begin to walk through the city with every single thing that they passed catching their attention without fail. As the two continue to walk, they begin to notice that people are staring at them. The two continue on in confusion unsure of why the people won't take their eyes off of them.

Jackson: Why do these people keep staring? Do you think they know that we're not from around here?

Steve: I'm not too sure. Whatever it is, I get the slight idea that we probably don't wanna know right now.

Jackson: Yeah, you're right. These people don't seem too thrilled to be seeing us.

Just as Jackson manages to finish his sentence, a woman runs up and grabs Steve by the collar of his shirt with both hands and begins to yell at both him and Jackson.

Woman: Where is my son?! Where is my baby?! I want him back you monsters! Where is he?!

Steve: Ma'am, please calm down! We don't know what you're talking about!

Jackson: Yeah, relax. We didn't take anyone's son.

Woman: Shut up! You took him... You and your other freakish friends took him away from me! Now, I have nothing... That's why I don't care what I do anymore whether it gets me into trouble or not! All I want is to see my baby boy again...

Steve: Ma'am, I understand that, but we swear to you that we don't know who you're talking about. We're new to this place, we have no idea what happened before we got here, but whatever it was, we truly are sorry...

Woman: I... You.. apologized... They would never apologize for anything no matter what it was... Maybe you really aren't them...

Just as she was able to finish, two guards rushed up behind her tackling her to the ground and putting hand cuffs on her, picking her up, and taking her away with her screaming every last second as they did. Steve and Jackson would then attempt to rush after them but would be halted by Grimmus.

Jackson: Hey man, what're you doing? We need to go help her!

Steve: Yeah, Grimmus, what's going on?

Grimmus: Alas, she is being taken away to a mental institution where she will receive care for her warped mind. My only hope is that she is fixable... Anyways.. It's almost time for the next test to begin, so I suppose it's time that we take our leave... Come on... Let's go...

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