Where Are They

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As soon as the robot was about to put Jackson down, Steve began to yell at it slowly rising off of the ground with a bit of blood still dripping from his mouth.

Steve: Hey Null! Ya didn't finish me off yet! Come and get me you metallic asshole!

Upon being given the challenge, Null turned its attention to Steve charging at him with everything that it had. Just as it was about to strike though, it was blasted back by a green colored barrier of some sort similar to the one that Steve had made during the fight with Herobrine. Watching what he thought to be his masterpiece of a creation get blasted back with ease, Grimmus became filled with immense shock and confusion.

Grimmus: Wait.. what just happened to my work of art? How did he manage to push it back without even touching it?

Steve then began to close his eyes slowly lifting himself into the air. A green aura then slowly began to surround him with the exact symbol appearing in front of him as the one on his shirt.

Steve: It's as I said before... I'm not gonna sit by and watch people I care about get hurt! I'll destroy anyone who dares to try!

He then opened his eyes and pushed his arms forward causing a green beam to shoot through the symbol and down onto Null causing a massive explosion in the dome that did an immense amount of damage. Steve then slowly fell back down to the ground slightly dazed almost as if he was half asleep. Meanwhile, Grimmus stood shocked at the sight of his robot in thousands of pieces on the ground.

Grimmus: My.. creation.. destroyed... Maybe your power really does have more to it than meets the eye Steven... I look forward to getting to know more about it...

The exit to the dome then opened with Steve and Jackson both exiting almost immediately. Grimmus would then meet them at the doorway with complete astonishment on his face.

Grimmus: That was.. some light show Steve, I have to admit. Not to mention impressive! Anyways, we've gathered the data, so we'll begin studying it immediately. Thank you both so very much for your time. My colleague here will escort you back to your quarters. Get some rest while you can because we'll need you very soon! This is your final day here after all!

The two were then escorted back to their quarters completely beaten down and exhausted. The second they got there, the two of them made their way to their own separate rooms and passed out near immediately. Meanwhile, at Terra, Sub was helping to manage the kingdom while Steve and Jackson were both gone. The minute he got the chance, Sub laid down on the couch in the main living area and began to rest a bit. Just as he was almost asleep though, Ava walked into the room with him waking Sub back up immediately.

Ava: Oh, hey Sub, I didn't mean to wake you, I'm so sorry!

Sub: Oh, me? You're fine. I probably wouldn't have been able to get much of any sleep as it is, so if anything, you just kept me from wishing for something that wasn't gonna happen.

Ava: Come on, everyone needs some rest every once in awhile. Anyways, do you know where Steve might be? I was gonna ask if he wanted to come over.

Sub: Oh, uhhhhhh... it's a long story.

Ava: How long?

Sub: Think about who you're talking about.

Ava: Hehe, yeah... Stories about Steve normally do have length to them. Anyways, I've got time.

Sub: You sure? I mean, I thought time was all ya needed to hear a long story until the one I heard the other day. Now, I'm beginning to wonder if it's time that you need or if it's the ability to comprehend something that makes no sense. Heck, maybe it's both!

Ava: Haha, yeah, I'm sure.

Sub: Alright then... Essentially, this guy came here yesterday claiming to be from a different universe and claimed that he needed our help to test these new robots he had made to protect his universe and this mysterious power source that they have. Long story short, I didn't go because I didn't think it was safe, and Steve and Jackson went anyways. Why? I don't know, I guess they have no sense of danger, I'm not too sure. Are there any questions?

Ava stood in complete and utter confusion seeming as though she failed to understand any of what Sub had just said. After a quick moment of silence, Ava finally responds to Sub's story.

Ava: Ummmm... Could you repeat the story maybe five times over? I'll tell you then if I still have any questions.

Sub: Hahaha, honestly, I don't even wanna repeat it, that's about how much sense any of it makes to me.

Ava: So they're in that guy's universe right now?

Sub: Yeah, pretty much. I'm still trying to figure out why they thought he could be trusted. I'm sure it'll be alright though. They both know how to take care of themselves.

Ava: Yeah... I hope you're right... Please be careful Steve... I need you to come back safe...

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