Chapter 1: School

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DNF SMUT (this is your warning!!) (Smut will be towards the end!!!) (Theres barely any Smut honestly but whatever)
This is going to be a reallyyy long chapter so hang tight!
Dream: Top
George: Bottom
Context: George is rather new to the town, he just moved to Florida with his mom and sister, he's a 16 year old British boy. He is about to go to his new school. Dream is a popular guy that everyone loves, he plays football and is good at school too. sometimes he can be quite aggressive and annoying.


George is in the backseat of his mother's car looking out the window, admiring the beautiful sunset. They have been on the road for a while since the airport was really far away from their new home. George's sister, Anna is really excited to be able to make new friends. Anna is 18 and next year is going to college. George is quite happy about that meaning that he gets some of her clothes once she leaves. George has always been gay but no one really knew about it, it was just Anna. He never really had many friends in his old school so he never told anyone.

"Okay kiddos, we're here!" said his mom excitedly. George stopes admiring the sunset on the other side of the car and turns around. To his surprise, he's watching upon a huge house. Quickly, him and his sister rush to the front door waiting for their mom the unlock it. "Mom! Come on, be quicker!" said Anna with an excited look on her face. "Geez, i'm coming ohmagod" said their mom with a goofy expression. Their mom came to the door to unlock it. "Okay, Anna, since you're moving out next year, George is going to be able to pick out his room first, okay?" said their mom. George's face lit up, he was never really able to get a first pick. "Ugh really, whatever" said Anna. She was obviously annoyed so obviously the right decision was to taunt her about it, George thought to himself with a smile.

Fast forward to after they picked out the rooms and unpacked everything.

George was in his room getting used to the feeling. He was excited and glad that he was able to leave his last home. He hated it there. Suddenly he was interrupted from his thoughts to his mom outside the door. "Kiddo, come outside, it's dinner time!" his mom said. "Okay! I'm coming, give me a minute" he answered.

He walked out the door and went downstairs to see his mom and sister ready to pound into their food. He walked to the table and his mom handed him his food. "So, the plan for tomorrow is going to be, first, go out and get some new clothes for you two since you guys keep complaining about your old clothes, two, a new backpack for Anna, and three, groceries!!" said the mom while looking at her phone. George assumed she wrote them down on her notes app.

Fast forward to the next day, George, his sister, and his mom are out shopping for groceries.

"Alright, finally done getting Anna her backpack, anyways time for groceries, hmm, what first on the list..Ah! Flour!" their mom said talking to herself. Anna was on her phone texting some of her old friends back at their old place while George was helping his mom get the groceries.

"Okay! done! we've gotten everything, time to head home. Is there anything else you two need?" asked their mom. "Nope" they both answered at the same time. "alright, let's head home then".

Fast forward to the next day (first day of school)
Also guys sorry for the amount of time stamps!!!

"GEORGE! Wake up!!" his mom yelled from downstairs. "I'm up!!" George answered. He's actually been up for the past hour just wondering about his new school. What will happen. Will he make friends. Will he meet the love of his life?! He thought to himself. After another good minutes of thinking, he got up, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. He decided to go simple for the first day. He wore a White t-shirt and over it, he wore a brown-ish colored hoodie. He wore some black sweatpants and sneakers along with everything else.

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