Chapter 29: Lie

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The next morning I woke up, I heard birds chirping from just outside the window as if a mother bird landed on her nest to feed her chicks who were chittering, excitedly waiting for the food in her mouth. I shifted to my side facing the window, but the sunlight shone over me, giving me warmth but blinding my eyes at the same time.

My eyelids blinked.

As much as my body wanted to stay asleep, to recover from all the exhaustion I had for the past few days or weeks, my mind was screaming to me, waking me up.

I groaned.

I reached over my hand to the other side of the bed, and I found it empty.

I flinched and opened my eyes slowly.

"Almeric?" I called.

Looking around, I found myself alone in the room. I rose from the bed and looked for him. In the balcony, in the closet, he wasn't there.

Where did he go?

I frowned. 'He just left without waking me up,' I mumbled, pouting as I walked heading to the bathroom to clean up myself.

There, I saw a white sundress hanging with a note beside it. I reached for it, smiling as I grabbed it.

I'm sorry I didn't wake you. Grandfather called for me, but I'll be back right away as soon as I have a chance. So wait for me inside and don't go out. Don't talk to Ash. If he goes there, just tell him 'get lost.'

I frowned. He was so mean. As if I could tell Prince Asher that. He didn't deserve to be disrespected. What Almeric must be thinking? Treating his brother that way? I couldn't see any reason he was doing that to him.

I sighed.

What could I do? That was the man I loved.


Don't curse me in your head. Don't get me wrong. I have my reason and you will thank me later.

I wrinkled my brows. What does he mean by that?

Anyway. I ordered the maids to bring you food there. Don't wait for me. I don't know how long grandfather would talk to me. Just eat right away. You haven't eaten since last night. You're too deep in your sleep and you snore so loud.

I frowned even more. I don't snore. Such a liar. I rolled my eyes and continued reading.

Even though I still love you. -Almeric.

He didn't know how to express himself properly, but still, a smile formed on my lips, loving Almeric even more every day. Though I didn't really know what I had seen in him.

He was always one step from being mean, and he was always cold.

However, my heart would always beat for him.

I spent the entire morning waiting for Almeric. I already finished my bath and ate my breakfast alone. Still, he hadn't returned yet.

Resting on the balcony as I enjoy the view, I sighed countless times. I was beginning to feel lonely by the minute. Almeric was too busy since we got here that we haven't spent so much time with each other yet. I already missed him, even though he was just right somewhere here in the palace.

I understood.

We were in a crucial time wherein the war dreaded by most was about to start.

With the thought, I frowned and looked up into the sky blankly.

What was there in the war? Why did people seem to be obsessed with it? Why did it even have to happen?

As if someone would really benefit from it.

Egrariand Chronicles Book 3: The Curse of the Fire PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now