The Beginning

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       I ran faster than I had ever run in my entire life. Rain soaking my pajamas and hair as I ran on the cold sidewalk, my feet being stabbed by rocks. I felt my throat and lungs burn and my heartbeat so hard that I thought it might explode in my chess. I saw the hospital, its bright lights shining so bright that you could see it from across town. Seeing the hospital made me have just enough energy to somehow go faster. I ran up to the automatic doors and stopped only for a second as the doors opened. I ran into the hospital, passed an old couple as they walked towards the door. I stopped at the front desk and asked what Chris Afton's room and the Lady sitting there gave me the room number. I thanked her and ran to the nearest elevator. I pressed the button correlating to the floor that Chris was on. I ran as fast as I could through the hallways and I turned one last corner to Chris's room. I felt my heart stop as I saw Gage being dragged away from Chris's room by his dad, yelling and screaming about how he had to be ok. I ran past him and as I got to the door of the hospital room I was suddenly stopped by something grabbing my hand and pulling my back. I turn to find my hand being desperately clutched by my mother. she was shaking and I could see tears form in her eyes. I tried to make her let go but her grip held onto me, like shackles around my wrist. Chaining me to this one spot when I desperately wanted to be let go. Even if it was just to go just a few steps forward, I would take it. I needed to see Chris. I needed to know if my brother was alright. I tugged my hand again and once again my mother held on.

"You can't go in there, the doctors said we must be out of the room for them to do their work." My mother said, her voice shaking with every word. I looked back at her and then to the floor. My mother then began to walk with me back to the waiting room. I just looked at the floor, my thoughts being the only thing I gave any attention to. My mess was a jumble of worry and guilt, swirling around in my head like clothes in a washing machine. I wanted to have my heart  stop beating, my lungs to stop working, my brain to stop functioning, but none of that happened. I look up and realize I'm in a seat in the waiting room and I look around to see all my family's faces, each with worry and sadness plastered on their faces. As I Look around the room I see two faces that don't fit with the rest, my father and Gage. Instead of worry or sadness on Gage's face, I see anger, His eyes fixed on my father's face. My father was looking back at Gage and his face had no emotion. If you didn't know My father, his posture and face would yell worried but I knew my dad. That wasn't his worried eyes. Those eyes were cold, calculating. Eyes that I've only seen him use when I argued with him, eyes that said he was calculating his next move. Those eyes said nine times out of ten meant he was going to win soon and there was nothing you could do against it. I have hated those eyes as I've grown. Why are they staring at each other like that? Shouldn't Gage be mad at me or sad and Dad, shouldn't he be sad as my little brother seems to be dying in a room somewhere in this building. I want to yell at both of them but I felt as though I would somehow make things worse than they are. I am completely helpless as I watch family and friends of Chris cry and mourn as though he's already gone and it was hard to accept that I was right alongside them. I didn't want my brother to die, especially from something that's my fault, but I couldn't save him. I couldn't go back in time to stop the incident from happening and I wasn't an extraordinary doctor that could miraculously save him. I had to pray that my brother would make it, but I guess that being a non-believer means he is less likely to listen to me. I sat in that uncomfortable waiting chair for hours. Each second passed by as fast as a slug running across a football field. My foot tapped the floor in impatience. Why was it taking so long? My adrenaline began to lower and I felt my eyes droop. It was 3 in the morning and I was tired and cold from running here. I fell into my chair and let sleep's greedy hands grab hold of me.

I woke up to my mother shaking me. She told me that the doctors were finally done and were coming in with results. I was completely awake immediately and followed my mom to the doctors and the doctor looked at my mother, his eyes filled with sympathy. I felt my heart freeze as his hazel eyes locked with my chocolate eyes. Those eyes said everything he needed to say and they said, "he didn't make it. I'm sorry for your loss". Only a moment later my mother would get the same message but the doctor would pull her aside to explain what happened. I stood there, where my mother and doctor had just been. I stared at the wall ahead of me, tears streaming down my face. My brother was annoying at times and sometimes he made me want to punch him straight in the face but I never wanted this. What I wanted was him to come running out and make fun of me for being worried, telling me something like "that can't hurt me, I'm invincible.", only for me to respond "you idiot." and give him a noogie and he would try to push me off. We would laugh a little and we would go home to play some video games. I never wanted anything more in my entire life and I doubt I would ever want something that much again. I would never ask for anything ever again. Please. Someone, please. I will give up my life for this one wish. Please...

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