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You both start walking
Minho: y/n-shi , today is gonna be important day for you ( Minho was serious now )
Y/n: why ?
Minho : we gonna meet a person who gonna help you to go your real world .
Y/n: ohhh ( your face expression changed, your mood was also offf ) you become quite.

Minho: y/n-shi aren't you are happy ? You are finally going to your home.....
Y/n: yeah Minho I'm very happy, finally I'm gonna see my dad , ( you feel burden in your hearts while saying this , you feel like something is gonna be wrong . You also question yourself why you aren't happy to go back your home ? )

leaving all questions at your heads you walk ahead with Minho . Minho bring his bikes . You was sitting back on him . After some while .

Minho: hold me tight y/n. We gonna experience the ride of helll ( he was trying to scared you )
Y/n: YAHH LEE MINHO- . Take me down from your freaking bike . You gonna killed me today !!!
Minho: SHUT UP PABO , I'm not gonna do this anyway ( he said with sarcastically )

 You gonna killed me today !!! Minho: SHUT UP PABO , I'm not gonna do this anyway ( he said with sarcastically )

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It was quite far away from main city. So Minho had to ride bike for long time . Suddenly He noticed one black car was following them from beginning. The car was speeding up with minho's bike . Minho speed up his bike slowly. The car tired to hit minho's bike few times but Minho professionally avoid car .

Bike was more ahead then car,  Then you and Minho see suddenly more cars start following your bike . Minho was speed up his bike more . When he was crossing the road. One of big car from another side suddenly hit his bike ......

you and Minho flew from bike and fallen on floor . Luckily both was were wearing helmet but Your helmet get away from your head . You lost your sense almost fainted. Unfortunately you fallen in road that's why You also got hurt in your face, near lips , in left cheeks also in head lil bit .

 Unfortunately you fallen in road that's why You also got hurt in your face, near lips , in left cheeks also in head lil bit

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and there Minho fallen in side of roadway. There was grass that's why he didn't get hurt too much . But he fall hard and growing in pains . He also got hurt at his head lil bit. He was in his sense. But his vision was blurry he can't get up from ground.

After few minutes he saw some guys in carried you away . He was trying his best to get up but unfortunately he can't . He screamed and told them to stop . But they didn't stop. They just take you away from him . Minho can't able to do anything . Also he become unconscious.

After some while chan reach that place and run to minho . Minho was bleeding lil bit and unconscious, chan got panic after seeing him , he carried minho and take him hospital . Chan can't able to understand what to do , He was also looked for you but didn't found.

Meanwhile your situation:

When you come to your sense

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When you come to your sense. You found yourself in a chair , your hand was tightened with rope, also your mouth . Blood was falling from head , also tears are failing from your eyes , you can feel pain all over body. You tried to speak but can't . You can't understand where you are . Lot of questions was in your head . After about 30 minutes someone enter in room . He was in all black clothes and also wearing mask so that you can't see his face . Your vision was blurry.

???: Long time no see y/n
( You looked up and tried to speak but can't because of the rope was tightened in your mouth. ) opps sorry y/n-shi, let me help you , you are in such a mess- ( he open the ropes from your mouth. You took a deep breath after that )
Y/n : WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?! And why did you take me here ?! ( you was quite mad at him )
???: hmmm ....... for some reason ????
???: calm down y/n-shi or else it won't get a minute to shut your mouth. ( he was giving you dangerous vibes , you become quite )
Y/n: ..........
???: want to know me ???
You nodded
???: lucifer
Lucifer: exactly ( he was smirking under his mask )
Y/n: welll not surprised , only like a devil can do this to me . ( you avoid his eye contact )
Lucifer: well nice to meet you y/n. See you soon ( He leave the room )

In hospital:
Minho finally come to his senses and he tried to wake from his bed but chan stop him
Chan : stop minho !
Minho : chan they take y/n away. She got hurt asf , we need to save her ( he was in sense but also lil bit of unconscious bc of medicine . Chan tried to calm him )
Chan : calm down minho .Of course we will save her but currently you are also hurt .
Minho : no chan I'm completely fine-
Chan : we will figure it out but for now please take some rest huh -
Minho : but chan-
Chan: I told you minho .

Both are worried for you. Also hyunjin and 5 of them reached there . After some while minho gets better and completely came to his sense then he told everything to them . They was guessing who can take y/n . Minho got discharge from hospital that day since he gets normal injuries.

Meanwhile your situation was getting worse. You become too weak but trying to figure it out how to get escape from here . You noticed there is window in your room. You tried to free your hand but rope was tightened asf . But luckily after trying a lot you finally freed your hand . You stood up from chair but you was too weak to walk .

              ............to be continued...........

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