𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽

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You cursed under your breath, having spilled redstone all over your build. You crouched down, beginning to brush it back into your pouch.

A sigh escaped you as you swept the last bit of dust away. You stood up straight, ready to attempt the build once again. This thing was all you needed to finish off your base, but you just couldn't seem to get it right.

"Hey, d'you need any help?" You flinched slightly, turning around to look at the approaching stranger.

Interestingly, his hair was colored a bold emerald green, and he wore a hoodie of the same shade. Neither of those were his most unique feature, that being the creeper mask he wore to cover almost his entire face.

"Oh, I'm Sam by the way," the green-haired male added. "Pretty good with redstone, don't really like to go into the action, though."

You gave a half-smile, shaking his hand. "Y/n. And yeah, I could use some help with this. Not exactly the expert at redstone."

He chuckled, stepping closer and looking at the contraption you had built up thus far. "You're making a hidden trapdoor, right?"

"Yup - well - trying to make." After examining it for a few seconds, he nodded to himself.

"I think I see what happened. See, this piston is slightly off, which is messing up the timing of the open and causing it to not work."

"Ah, I see. So, where should I put it?"

"Oh, just right... here. Wait- hold on, this repeater is slightly off. It's set to four ticks, you're going to want to have it as two instead."

You complied, moving to the repeater and adjusting it slightly. You then glanced back at Sam, and he gave you a nod and double thumbs up.

"Ok, that should work, let's test it out?"

You grabbed a lever from the various materials scattered on the ground, placing it onto the top of the machine. You flicked it hesitantly, and the pistons moved seamlessly to open a clean space in the floor.

"Woah, that worked better than I thought it would." You looked at Sam, half smile on your face. "Thanks."

Sam grinned, crossing his arms. "My pleasure."


With a heavy exhale, you shoved the last of your items into your storage chests and nearly collapsed on the ground.

The moving of your messily piled things into your new storage system had taken two days, nearly around the clock. You exited out of the front door, swiping a strand of h/c hair out of your face.

Your hands rested on your hips as you surveyed your house. It was carved into the side of a hill, not too big but not overly small either. You'd slaved over mining and farming to decorate it just to your liking.

The renovations of your house had taken about a month, many materials, and a lot of interruptions by various people, but it was worth it. Not only was the house aesthetically pleasing, but it was functional as well.

The sight that was the surrounding area held your farm, your pets, and a small chest that you planned to leave spare materials for other people in. Inside your house, you'd included a kitchen, a living room for company, your own bedroom, a guest room, a storage room, a general workshop, and a bathroom.

Below, using Sam's instructions for the hidden trapdoor, were a few rooms you wanted to keep private - an enchanting room, a brewery, a nether portal, a mine entrance, and storage for your valuables.

You let out a slight yawn, eyes heavy with lack of sleep. You rubbed at them with a hand, before noticing the falling sun.

"Perfect timing," you said to yourself, trudging back inside with what seemed like lead-filled shoes.

You threw off the extra layers of your clothing, leaving yourself in a f/c shirt and cream-colored leggings sticky with sweat. Giving one last glance at your dirtied outfit, you made the (probably good) decision to take a shower.

The hot, but not quite boiling water relaxed your muscles as you opened the shower door and slid inside. You were tempted to stay under it for longer, but you stepped out after about ten minutes.

Blinking a few times to rid yourself of the small droplets of water that had gotten into your eyes, you carded your fingers through your h/l tresses. With a soft sigh, you put on your nightclothes - just a pair of loose shorts and a shirt maybe two or three sizes bigger than your own.

You were about to leave the bathroom, when you were drawn back by the mirror. For a second, you stood in front of your reflection, naming the different scars and giving them as many memories as you could recall.

You didn't notice how many you'd accumulated until now.

Dimly lit furniture made up the view of your room. You let out a long, heavy breath, and you collapsed onto the bed. You closed your eyes and let your mind run freely from flags to foxes and almost everything in between. Once exhaustion was too much to handle, it slowed and you fell into a dreamless sleep.

But alas, one never gets sleep at the times they want it. You'd gotten maybe five hours total as the sun made its way above the horizon - and that was being generous.

In place of your alarm, a loud beeping from your communicator sounded. With a soft sigh and a sitting up in bed, you answered Wilbur's call.

"Wil- what?"

"I know it's early but can you come to my office? I need some help." His tone was urgent and piercing, making you groan and laboriously slide out of bed.

"I'll be there in... ten," you muttered, hand making its way back into your hair and scratching.

"Make it five." Click.

Prime, what was so pressing that he needed you up at sunrise?

You took a quick second to sink back into your bed before rolling out of it and screaming internally. You sped through getting ready in the morning, grabbing whatever food first fell into your hand and finishing it as you rode to the office.

You hesitantly knocked on the door and listened for the okay to go in. You opened the door and did a double take.

The place seemed like a madman lived there, papers with aggressively written notes on them scattered all over. Wilbur was seated in front of all of the chaos, looking up to you with a tired expression.

"Y/n. Hi. I need you to help me win an election."


1101 words (without a/n)

Header by @/LillePersilleMC on YouTube (this is how I imagine your house - feel free to change it!)


That's it for this chapter! Naturally, if you like what you're reading, vote, comment, and follow :] I'll be waiting for you in the next one, seeya there!

-Partially Human

EDIT Apr. 21, 2021: Originally a flashback part of the chapter that I didn't like - it's edited out and there's a bit of other stuff in its place.

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