𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟿 - 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐

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"Tommy, I know you'd never thought you'd hear me say this, but take your place on the podium and give us a speech. Or should I say, president-elect. Tommy Innit."

You chuckled slightly, watching Tommy splutter in disbelief as his brother gestured him up to the podium.

"Hello everyone." Tommy took a deep breath, others greeting him back, before continuing. "Hello. Well, it looks like we've won. And- and I never thought I'd say this, but even after the hardships, the tyranny that we've been through, after everything, it was meant to be."

Through his sunglasses, Eret's eyes widened and he let out a laugh. "That's my line!"

"It was always meant to be." You smiled, squeezing Wilbur's hand briefly.

"Er, and, Wilbur," Tommy chuckled slightly, "thank you. For making me the president. And- and I know you said I never would be, I couldn't be. And after a bit of thinking, I decided... yeah. I can't be."

Gasps erupted all around.

Tommy continued. "And as much as this is everything to me, as much as this would have been everything - I've still got unfinished business. Because Dream, you've still got those discs."

Dream grinned lightly, making a motion as if to doff a hat.

"Until I've got those discs back, it's not fair for me to take my place in L'manberg. L'-" the blonde stressed the 'L'- "-L'manberg. So, Wilbur, I know you had your points where we thought you were gonna, y'know, fuckin' blow the whole place up - I know that's just talk now!"

Wilbur looked down, corners of his lips upturned, then back up.

"So, we did this, and there wasn't a single explosion." Tommy had a satisfied look on his face as he surveyed the crowd. "Wilbur? Take your place on the podium. And Dream? This isn't over."

You watched stone-faced as Wilbur returned onto the podium to speak into the microphone. "Alright, I'll keep this brief as possible. Tommy, that was... good of you. And, so, the first thing I'll do is to scrap that flag. It's not our nation anymore."

Fundy's cheers and Quackity's celebration made their way into your ear amidst Wilbur's words. "Yellow, black, red, white, and blue. That's how it should be. However, I also cannot be your president."

Again, the crowd murmured in confusion.

"Techno, you've taught me a lot," Wilbur noted. "You taught me that government isn't the way to go. So, let me hand off the presidency. To say goodbye to my nation, my L'manberg, and there's only one other person who I want to come up to the stage."

Wilbur sighed, this one seeming to symbolize a final rest. "Let me welcome your next president of L'manberg. Tubbo."

Tubbo's face split into what you think may have been the biggest possible grin on a human being, his entire aura seeming to jump up several steps.

"Um, well-" Tubbo paused, laughing as he took in the audience. "I've been- been put quite on the spot right here. Wasn't expecting to be surrounded here by my friends, my enemies - who I don't hate all that much, I'll be honest."

"But I enjoy our unity, the most diverse of people brought together by what frankly is the strangest circumstances. Whether we were fighting against each other or together."

"Yes, our country has damage. But I think of it as a piece of wood, a piece with a bunch of nails stuck into it. Even after you take them out, the dents are still there." Tubbo looked at Tommy for approval. The latter gave him a strong nod and beamed. "The holes are still there. But we can fill them. And, y'know, that's what I'd like to do as president. Not to be an agent of chaos, but one of healing. Of repair."

"So..." Tubbo trailed off, looking at those gathered. "Now everyone's here, now everyone's in unity... Why don't we fix this place up together?"

Cheers erupted in the crowd, as you allowed yourself a smile. Your eyes ducked down, at your hands. Why were they shaking?

You watched Niki and Eret cheer, turned to see Jack's scream of victory. You looked to Tubbo's descent from the podium, his embrace with Tommy. You observed Quackity and Fundy, arms around each other's backs and fists in the air.

And then turned to a face that wasn't quite as happy.

Techno, in short, was furious.

Wilbur had brought him in to take down one tyrant. Then that- that idiot had stepped over the corpses Techno had laid to become the new tyrant.

The pig hybrid paced, unnoticed by the throng of people celebrating. His fingers danced over his crossbow, before clutching it tightly.

Your head tilted as you watched him. He met your gaze, swiftly walking towards you.

His foot tapped against the ground in an erratic rhythm once he made it next to you. You could tell he was trying to - rather poorly - play it off.

"You expect I'm going to snap, don't you?" Techno said dryly. "Kill a few people?"

You responded with equal verve. "Not particularly. I mean, I kind of want to right now, but, uh-"


You paused.


"Do you... agree with Wilbur?"

"What do you mean?" you replied, raising an eyebrow.

Techno ran a hand over the crown of his head. "He used me, Y/n. He used you too."

"I mean, n-no, I don't exactly agree with everything he's done, but he's our friend." You hesitantly laughed. 

"I- I can't believe we haven't noticed this until now. What has he ever done for me? For you? What has he done that wasn't just to get something out of it?"

His words bit at some small crevice of your mind, opening up a wave of emotions that you hadn't felt in... ages.

But no - Wilbur - he wouldn't do that. He was your friend.

He was. He was.

...was he?

You breathed in fast, out fast. In fast, out fast. In fast... out slow.

"Wilbur was my first true friend," you whispered, voice quivering with every word, hands shaking as if. "He helped me when nobody else on this SMP would. And you say... he was using me?"

Techno sighed, head falling back. "He let you join L'manberg, then got you to fight for its independence. What does it sound like?"

It was then he heard you sniffle lightly.

Techno had... never been one for comforting people. He knew that. That was why he tried to stay away from crying people. But your shaking figure, right in front of him, was one he couldn't ignore.

"Hey, uh..." he mumbled. "It's okay. Listen. You're fine."

Your face hardened. "I'm not. I- Wilbur- I thought I could trust him. I shouldn't have joined him. I knew better, I knew I couldn't depend on anyone..."

Techno met your gaze as you turned to him and spoke.

"I'm ready to take them all down."


1159 words (without a/n)

Header by @/cherryashyt on Twitter

i'm actually posting on time what this is a miracle

helLO everyone! yes, yes, we've gone through all the characters. but there is one more ending! i originally wasn't going to include it, but we'll see what happens. i do hope you enjoyed this chapter - if you did, votes and comments are always appreciated :D

i've slowly been getting back into the groove of writing, and i've been turning some of my attention to a new book! but until that comes out, stay tuned for the next chapter. love yall!

-Partially Human

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