Handcuffs and heartbreaks (DerekxVallyk)

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Derek pov

Me and vallyk have been friends for 7 years that a long time Ik but me and vallyk have been doing stuff on the low like last weekend we had sex and I cum in him but he take a plan b but always whining about he wanna a kid but I'm not to keep playing with his ass

Derek pov

Vallyk was at my window waiting on me to open the window for him but soon as I opened up the window he push me out the way And went straight to my kitchen and got some pizza that I just got

No hey no hugs no kiss bae I said oh hey bitch vallyk yelled that last word what did I do to u baby cmon vallyk I said walk up to him but he just step back like I was stranger okay u want to know what u did to me okay let me start off U gave me a punishment for no fucking Reason nd my coochie was hurt and I was crying when u got done with me okay that fucking hurt Derek and guess what I'm moving in this house with mike and u and Kobe

But me and u are not going to sleep in the same room same bed okay just letting u know that we can't be fuck bubby's nomo okay vallyk said crying but not crying crying

I said I was sorry vallyk and that punishment was for u not listening to me okay I said in a Irritated tone nigga I'm am fucking 17 okay I'm not a kid and oh I was week pregnant but we lost the baby bye Derek

3 months later

Vallyk pov

me and Derek still don't talk because u guys know but now me and mike are going to a party that are friend angel invited us to so we going

 me and Derek still don't talk because u guys know but now me and mike are going to a party that are friend angel invited us to so we going

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Mike was wearing this

And I was wearing this

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And I was wearing this

Soon as we walked in all eyes was on us and oh me and mike used be stripper so yea and are stripper name was honey bun and ice cream

17 minutes later

me and mike was twerk in the middle of the floor okay even tho we got jeans on we can still shake ass and my song came on so

And this how we was twerking.

But me and mike got tired fr we went to go set down but mike was setting on Kobe lap and Derek just came looking my way about 23 minutes he was gone so I went to the bathroom
I opened the door and Derek and some girl in the bathroom fxcking so I just hurry up and close the door but Derek came running after me trying to stop me vallyk how are u doing Derek said try to make small talk with me but that didn't work all I did was just ignore him

like I been doing for the past three months
Sorry Vallyk can u at least said hey or something pls I'm sorry for what I did 3 months Ago ur right that was stupid reason for me to punish u ur right ur not a kid so what u say Derek was trying to give me a hug but I walk away mike and Kobe was coming up to me saying they was about to leave I didn't want to stay so I just leave with em when we got there Derek was in the living room everyone was asking how he got here before us we was just left from angel house but he was on the phone with his brother

I went in the shower and got out the shower I dried myself off and fell asleep naked like I always do but when I fell asleep I seen Derek in my dream we was having sex it feel so real but it wasn't but I wake up from the dream to a knock on my door I opened the door to see Derek he wanted to talk so we did one thing went to us having sex and making up so yea we did no I didn't get pregnant but yea

2 years later

I'm pregnant with Derek babies yes twins Derek is in jail bc he his crazy ass ex boyfriend kill someone and blamed him for but Derek brother is Billing him out in two more days this pregnancy is hard for me cuz Derek is always in jail cuz of his ex boyfriends and girlfriends

but I think it time for to not worry about him right now and I'm 7 months pregnant with his damn babies yea but the good part is that my baby daddy is coming home I just hope that Elijah and Alijah are okay my phone was ringing it was Derek sister she Always check on me and twins
Vallyk= V I forgot how to spell her name so yea

V= hello

A= hey how u doing and the twins

V= they're doing good what going on with u

A= I'm good but Der-

V= what wrong with him

A= it nothing wrong with him dang let me finish first

V= okay

A= so he is at my house I thought my brother was getting him out in 2 days but he at my house so I'm just Bring him home where he actually live okay bye

V= okay bye and can u pls talk to him for me like said that he is about to have kids nvm I'm going to talk to him bye

Derek pov

I'm out of jail I thought I was going out in two days but I'm out now but my sister is about to take me home

No one pov

Okay derek u needs to stay out of trouble cuz vallyk really needs u but u just keep pushing him away and he is having ur kids damn it he keep thinking that ur not going to be there for him and rn ur not so pls Derek he needs u

more then anything in this world me and mike Kobe has been with him okay but he just need his soon to be baby daddy I'm tired of him crying to me saying u having been home for 3 days u be having me and Kobe look for u and then we find u at a club with strippers all over u

and ur doing the same thing that dad and uncle duke did to auntie Vannah and mom so stop and u see mom meet sccout and now he our stepdad and if u don't get urself to together vallyk well leave u foreal now we're here bro now go

derek pov

when i go inside the house i see vallyk in the back room look at him self so i walk up behide him he jump a lil turn around but he just turn back around vallyk im trying okay im going to make it up to u ok baby i know u are going to give birth in 2 month then next elijhaa and eli owww ahhh i heard vallyk whine baby what wrong i ask kissing his neck ohhhhhhhhh fuck Derek stop u can't do this to me and then i heard splash 💦 vallyk water broke we had to rush him to the hospital


Vallyk had Eli and Elijaah but vallyk was okay vallyk didn't even look me because the twins look like me vallyk can I hold my baby let get one of em  everyone came in seen how hand are sons

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