outside life (MattiaxKairi)

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Nobody pov:

Kairi is teacher and also Alvaro but one think is when Kairi get off work he doesn't have any fun cause of his bills and everything but the thing is Kairi is only 20 But he doesn't even care all he care about is his money

Mattia is a kinda bad student also Alejandro but outside of school there are the biggest mafia in the world but they keep it on the down low from friends from school or there teachers but Mattia is only 18 the reason why he the mafia king is because

His dad got shot 12 times when he was 15 years old

But skip that now let get to what happening

Kairi pov

Good afternoon class tod- when I turn my back a fucking pen hit me at my back when I turn around I already knew who it wasn't okay class we only have like 25 minutes of class today cause it a half day so u can do whatever u but don't walk out the class okay now u can do whatever u want

5 minutes later

I heard my boss call me in his office so I went
There he said to tell the kids they can leave cause he gone have the school wall paint it again cause the wall started to peel so I told the kids they can Leave the kids left I went home


                                   Skip ⏭

Mattia and Alejandro had a Mission to do but didn't know that house was next door to Kairi and Alvaro house

Skip they do the missions and they go

No one pov

So they going in the house and they got the stuff they needed but left the family in the house tied up in their basement but one thing they didn't was check to see if they we're being watched by somebody

But they were by Kairi and Alvaro but Kairi knew where they park at so he dressed in all black with a black ski mask and Alvaro waiting in the house get the guess room together to see what was gone happened

He went outside ofc he made sure not to see if (unlike mattia and ale ) nobody was looking so he ran to the van he pick the lock and got in the car about 27 minutes later mattia get in the van he hears mattia and ale talk about how so much blood is in em

(ofc Kairi had his pocket knives on him so he was good) when they got in the van almost started to go Kairi put a knife to mattia and ale necks and he said if they don't get out of the car

It wasn't gone be pretty so em want to live to see other day they went with Kairi when they got in they're house Alvaro saying welcome mattia and Alejandro to our wonderful home

Now we have something here u see our tv if u guys try anything that video of u guys u doing ur lil mission we well send that video to the whole school Alvaro said walk up to Alejandro and sitting on him

(Tied up there hands btw) But we're not just going to do that are no no no no no-we'll do anything even fu€k y'all just plz Alejandro said

Okay I got dimples and u got mattia Alvaro said getting Alejandro and taking him to the guest room same with Kairi but in a different room

Smut warning ⚠️

No I'm taking Control of this now strip down for me Kairi did as told Tia did the same Kai lay down mattia was teasing him from only putting the tip in and pulling it back out

p-please Mattia I need you Kairi said be needy shhhhh  Patients baby mattia said still teasing Kairi Mattia started planting small kisses down Kairi's jawline and neck, his fingers brushing over Kairi's nipples and down his chest. Kairi squirmed underneath Mattia, letting out low moans and whines stop fucking teasing me Mattia Kairi said can't taking it anymore.

Mattia stopped everything that he was doing causing Kairi to buck his hips upMattia smirked at his small teacher need before quickly slipping Kairi's boxers off Mattia took a second to admire his small teacher before slowly starting to place kisses along Kairi's v-line.

Kairi moaned out Mattia's name causing Mattia to twitch hard in his boxers. Mattia went back up to Kairi's lips kissing him slowly and gently fingering Kairi

Kairi moving because it felt good but Mattia grasp and bucked his hips up

Mattia slammed Kairi's hips down with his other hand and started to very slowly rubbing his hand up and down Kai clit fuck daddy go Faster Kairi said feeling The urge to cum

I'm finna cum Kairi said making mattia fuck me to mattia said trying to go faster okay cum Kairi when mattia said that Kairi came so hard mattia pull out and came on his belly

Now to Ale and alv

Oh shit faster FASTER Alvaro yelled finna cum okay just hold it for me I'm almost there just wait hold on now 1. 2. 3. Fuckkk Alejandro said pulling out cumin on alv belly

Alv tasted it and said ohh u taste so good now hope had fun I'm taking a shower now byeeee Alvaro said pushing out the room Kairi did the same

Now it wasn't just one time thing they would meet up with each other and go to hotel and do they're thing or whatever

932- words

Hope u in enjoy

Request but it we'll be a long time

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