Long time no see (Joshxduke)

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In this story

Duke is a single mom bcuz his past lover couldn't so called handle being a teen dad

Josh is 19

Duke Is 19
Also intersex      

The twins are 4

Nobody POV

Jayden and Kayden it time ta wake up let get are day started duke said picking the boys up (yes they are twins) mommy we dnt wanna go ta school Kayden said

Kayden it the weekend and guess wat y'all are going over ur uncle Kai's house for a few hours and ta the park duke said walking em ta the bathroom

Ok so let brush y'all teeth y'all wanna do it y'all self or y'all want mommy ta help u duke asked wiping they face off

We wanna do are self mowmy the twins said ok ima be rt here if u need my help y'all duke said

(Ok they got they self together ate breakfast put they clothes on and other stuff)

Now they otw ta Kai house he didn't live far juss a few blocks away from him duke look back for a second saw the twins asleep

He didn't care bcuz they juss pulled up to Kai's house park the car knocked on the door waiting on kai to open the door

Hey duke kai said opening the door hey Kai Kai duke said back stepping in ol they needa lay down I'm finna put em in the guest room kai said grabbing one of the twins

(Him and duke lay the twins down in the bed)

So wat u been doing duke Kai asked smacking duke ass inna playful way boy u betta stop dnt u gotta girlfriend for tht duke turned around

Now yk I dnt gotta btc stop plying wimme Kai said sitting down mhm Kai did I get thicker bcuz fanum said I lost my ass duke asked him

Yes he kno yo Shii got thicker idk why he tryna play witchu like tht but wat u doing the twins bday tht Shii in like next month

Ik I been looking at places and Shii my mama said I should juss take em ta kalahari but omg my babies are finna be five

I feel like I juss birth em yesterday duke said

Flash back ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Ok keep pushing I see his head the doctor said tryna to motivate duke Ahhhhh I-I can't do it duke said stop pushing

Dre cmon u gotta do it dnt u wanna hold and see yo babies kai said ok u ready the doctor asked duke nod his head

Ok I juss need one big push from u was all the doctor said Duke started pushing with all his energy

Cmon u got it kai said holding duke's hand ok ok ok I see his head keep pushing ur almost done and he here congratulations

Baby A is here tell me when u feel another Contraction coming the doctor said

3min later

I feel it duke said immediately getting the doctor attention ok u ready 1 2 3 push the doctor said

duke was pushing really hard but the baby didn't come out yet FCKKKK duke yelled

Omg why he keep playing, I juss want him outta me, I want my momma duke said Kai laughed a lil

Ok Dre one more den your done kai said ok ready 1 2 3 and push the doctor said

Duke pushed really hard until he felt his baby leave his body duke heard the baby crying

Baby B is here dad would u like to cut they're umbilical cord the doctor asked He not th- yes I would love to duke was cut off by kai

seeing kai be there for him like that warmed his heart he cut the umbilical cords signed the birth certificates all of tht and he wasn't ever the father of his kids

Ok here go ur babies the nurse said handing em over to duke my babies are really here duke said with tears of joy in his eyes

Welcome to the world Jayden James Dennis and Kayden Carter Dennis

Flask back over•••••••••••••••••••••

No one POV

Kai wyd on yo phone I'm here so put it down Duke said grabbing his phone wrd gimme my phone bck kai said

Nigga u short asf how u gon get yo phone Duke said u wasn't saying tht when I was in yo guts

Duke and Kai was messing around for a While after the twins turned 2 and was only a few time nun serious

They made a deal that they well only help each others wit their sexual needs ykw all tht didn't need ta be said duke said

O well u wanna do it before the kids wake up Kai asked duke no I'm still sore from two mornings ago my pool I needa break Duke said

O I forgot ta tell u Smb coming over my house juss ta let yk i haven't seen him inna min Kai said ok was all duke said ma yk u never told me who the twins father was Kai said

Idk if I wanna talk abt it rn Duke said it ok tell me when u ready no rush kai said

Knock Knock

Tht must be em let me get the Kai said walking to the door wsp man long time no see where u been at Kai said dabbing him up Ik man I been everywhere the unknown man said

Duke really couldn't see who it was bcuz how Kai opened the door but he waited until Kai let em in aye come in tho we gotta lot of catching up yo Kai said ikr I gotta lot ta tell u the unknown man said

Duke watched Kai come in with the unknown man but still couldn't see em bcuz Kai was walking in front of em ok so duke say hi to


To be Continued

I hope u enjoy

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Thought on Kai

Thought on Duke

Thought on Josh

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