Intersex (KairixMattia)

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The boys were hanging out in alejandro house doing boys stuffs since there was nothing else to do.By boys stuff I meant they were play fighting Alejandro and Roshaun were on the floor struggling, Alejandro was pinned down by Roshaun, the smaller was trying hard to set himself free.After 6 minutes if struggling ale tapped out making Roshaun the winner.

Yessss" Roshaun said cheerfully as kairi glared at him."Okay, Alvaro and Roshaun" Derek yelled angel and Kobe stood in the middle of the living room in a fighting position."Go" Mattia yelled making Angel run to Kobe tackling the boy. Kobe laughed as Kobe had his arm behind his back cause even though Angel was using his 'muscles' m Kobe wasn't feeling anything. Kobe then, forcefully released his hand turning them so that he was now towering over Angel Just tapped out

Kobe said"I feel some sexual tension" Robert whispered to the boys who gave him the 'you don say look'.Kobe who was clearly aroused by the Dominican stared at him for a few seconds before Kobe turned him around and had his hand pinned behind his back."Argh" Angel yelled as Kobe added pressure to the hand Angel had no choice but to tap out.

Kobe celebrated his win my doing a victory dance."Lmao, bitch, all you did was win against Robert and Alejandro Kobe said "Yeah, the two smart mouth in the group" Kobe added laughing."I wanna laugh at that but I'm too offended to do THAT" Alejandro yelled glaring at his friends with his hands crossed against his chest.

The boys continued the game,Robert and Roshaun sent against each other, Roshaun won againAlejandro and Roshaun went against eachother, Alejandro won, which made Alejandro and the boys laugh at the sulking Roshaun.Mattia and Kairi are now in the middle of the room jumping from left to right waiting from the other person to come forward (a/n: idk shit about fighting or some shit).Mattia moved forward but to his disadvantage Kairi raised his leg making him accidentally hit the boy's (Mattia's) area, but Mattia just laughed it off since he didn't feel anything and tackled Kairi. Kairi who had Mattia on top of him couldn't help but think why Mattia was laughing, cause the was he hit the boy Mattia should be curled up into a ball clutching his dick in pain."Kairi tap out" Mattia unintentionally whined making him blush and Kairi raise a brow in a questionable manner."Uh...*clears throat*....tap out" Mattia said trying to act all tough."Yeah, I'm not gonna do that" Kairi said with a smirk"You're pinned down all you gatta do is tap the fuck out" Mattia said unknown to the fact that he was moving his hips making his ass rub all over Kairi's dick.Kairi thought of what to do and finally decided to..."Kai stopppp" Mattia yelled as Kairi tickled him"Tap out Mattia" Kairi said still tickling his best friend"No

Mattia said stubbornlyAfter a minute of torture Mattia finally tapped out."I am the winner" Kairi yelled as he danced around."Yeah, yeah, I think it's time to go Alejandro said ruining his fun"What, you're gonna chase me out cause you didn't win" kairi asked"Not just because of that but it's already late and I don't remember you guys telling your parents you're gonna spend the night here" he said in a sassy tune"Jeezz, we're going no need for the attitude" Alvaro said with an eye roll."Bye Kai" Robert said waving"Bye babe" Alejandro said as he waved back."Bleh" Roshaun said as he walked out"I'll take Mattia home" Kairi said before Mattia could ask any of the boys.Mattia and kairi walked to the car, Kairi unlocked the car so now both of them got in.Mattia buckled his seatbelt, then Kairi zoomed off Kairi ro was now parked Infront of Mattia's house."Mattia" called making the Italian turn"Yes" he said"I wanna ask you something" kairi said nervously"Sure, go ahead" Mattia

encouraged When
I hit your dick why didn't you react" Alejandro asked making Mattia laugh lightly"Cause I don't have a dick" Mattia replied making Kairi eyes go wide."What" Kairi yelled"I'm intersex, meaning I have a vagina and not a dick, I get my period like girls and I can reproduce like girls but I have a guy's facial appearance" Mattia explained."Oh okay" Kairi Said then going silentAfter a minute of silence Kairi couldn't help but ask"Can I see it" Kairi asked making Mattia blush at the question, he has never let anyone apart from Alejandro and him mom see it."Okay, let's go up to my room" Mattia said getting out.......Now the boys were in Mattia's room, Mattia had his legs spread out for Kairi to see his pussy."Wow" Was all that left his mouth"Can I touch it"

Kairiasked"Why are you asking like you've never seen a vagina before" Mattia asked as he laughed"I honestly don't know, maybe it's because my best friend who is a guy has a vagina" Kairi said blushing crimson red."Just do it" Mattia said.Kairi brought his finger to his friend's heat, his index finger touching Mattia's clit making Mattia jerk forward.Kairi liked Mattia's reaction and decided to tease him The Wapanese rubbed Mattia's clit in a circular motion making Mattia moan.Mattia moved a little, so Kairi's middle was touching his hole"You want my fingers inside you?" Kairi asked chuckling"Mmmm" Mattia moaned as Kairi inserted his finger then bringing it back out."No" Mattia whimpered once Kairi finger was out"Tell me what you want" Kairi said

"I want I wan- fuck" Mattia said as Kairi inserted his finger again"Go on baby boy" Kairi said as he pulled it out"I want your fingers inside me, make me cum with just your mouth and fingers" Mattia pleaded.With that said Kairi layed Mattia on the bed (Mattia was sitting with his back leaned against the head board before)

crawling in between his legs"Spread them Bebe" Kairi ordered tapping his thighsMattia was now getting eaten by kairi, his best friend who just found out he has a vagina.Kairi was sucking on Mattia's clit, his fingers going in and out of his friend.Mattia felt Kairi fingers hit a spot making him clench around his fingers and release a loud moan."Your parents" Kairi said"It just feels gooodddd" Mattia said as he rolled his eyes.

Mattia felt his orgasm approaching.kairi kept going in and out faster and sucking on his clit harder."I'm...fuckkkkk" Mattia couldn't complete his sentence then he came."Mmmmm kairi said as he licked Mattia's cum off his fingers."You taste good baby" Kairi said as he leaned in for a kiss."Sleep over please" Mattia said pulling Kairi closerFine Kairi said letting Mattia pull him close

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