Chapter 27: Louder

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Delilah's pov: I woke up the next morning, still sore, but a little bit better mentally. Thanks to Neville at least. The reason this affected me so much was because it brought back ugly rotten memories like when my stepdad used to do that to me whenever he came home, angry and drunk. I kept my mouth shut because I knew that no one would believe me, and the fact that Hogwarts made me take a break from all that, it really makes my heart shatter having the same bullshit follow me here too. I pull myself up from my bed after a horrible nightmare, wash my face, grabbed my book for Hagrid's class, and ran downstairs. I was sprinting down to the Hogwarts forest, bumping into bushes, trying it catch up with the rest of the class. "LUNA!! WAIT FOR ME!" I yelled, because Luna Lovegood was the only one I could reach at the back of the class. "Hello, Delilah...what a mess you are this morning." She smiled as she was done picking tulips from the bush behind her. "Did I miss anything?" I asked, panting and putting my hands on my knees. "Not really, Hagrid was just explaining to us how we should open the monster book. Sure, you are new here after all. So he told me to teach you. Here you go!" Luna handed me a rather unusual looking brown leather book, with short brown tentacles swinging on its ends, a red belt on the front cover. I tried to open it, but it was like it was sealed shut! the tentacles where holding on to the thick papers and it was shaking aggressively.
"OPEN UP GODDAMMIT!" I screamed.
"DELILAH WAIT!" Luna warned. And suddenly, the book opened on its own, it was opening and closing like some crocodile's mouth! "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO STROKE ITS SPINE FIRST!" Tracey yelled. "Ah fuck. I can't look." Blaise sighed as the book was attacking me and ripping off my sweater. Hagrid rushed over to me and grabbed the book away from me. "Wow! That was brutal!" Luna exclaimed. "Well, at least that book did us a favor. I mean, it finally showed what is under that sweater! Hey...are those....hickeys?"
Cormac teased, laughing with his friends, "THE BOYZZZ". "Open your mouth again and we'll see what's under YOUR sweater, Mclaggen." Draco said, approaching Cormac with a disgusted look on his face. "Hey hey let's all calm down, alright?" Hagrid interrupted. "What you are witnessing today is a very friendly Centaur pack. As you can see, they are half human half horse, and they live in groups in the forest of Hogwarts."
"Hello, its nice to meet you lot" A couple of centaurs greeted us with a smile. "They protect the school from any harm and imposter, and they are REALLY good with bone arrows." Hagrid added.
After hours and hours of getting lectured by Hagrid and the centaur families, we grabbed our things and headed back inside. As I was walking, kicking the pebbles before me after each step, I heard Luna's hand touch the bruise on my arm and said, "Oh my, Cormac must've got a firm hold of you hasn't he..."
"WHAT!...I do you know?" I whispered. "Well, Hermione wasn't that good at hiding it either. Don't get me wrong, he is quite the filthy bastard. But I still don't get why you won't stand up to him." Luna asked.
"Umm, the thing is that he is threatening us if we ever spoke a word about this, we would be the school sluts. And he will do everything in his powe to confirm that."
Luna sighed, then she approached me and said, "Listen, Delilah....This isn't the first time Cormac has done this. A lot of girls in this school have been silenced by Cormac the same way. But one thing he didn't realise is that he has created a pack of angry women ready to prove him wrong, no matter how big his balls were. And when he least expects it, we stand together as one and beat his ass. Only then, he won't be as much of a threat..." Luna said in her soft, angelic voice. She then muttered a spell while brushing a tulip against my bruised hand. And just like that, my bruise faded felt like dust blowing off me by the cool mist. "Thank you, Luna."
I said, hugging her. "I give that to all the girls who had bruises because of a boy. It's a little trick my mom taught me when I was little because I got bullied around alot. I gotta go give one to Hermione, her neck has been aching badly." Luna said, skipping back to the school.

Draco's pov: My arm kept itching all day, i never really looked at it, all I thought it would be was a rash or something...but it was worse. I barely ate and depressive thoughts were howling over my head. I went to the abandoned girls bathroom, I looked down at my arm, raising my sleeves. Thats when I found a black mark on my hand growing and eating my skin alive by the minute. This morning, it was a size of a little marble, so I assumed it was just a mole. but I knew it was something more, more vicious. I felt sick to my stomach, my face was pale as ice, but I was sweating like a pig. I almost put my head under the sink when I was washing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror, panting, heart racing, and all I could see was this pale sick monster looking back at me, with warm tears building up my eyes.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhmmmmhhh, whaaaat's the maaaaaatter Draaaccccooooo??"
I heard a voice creep behind me with a cold mist. Moaning Myrtle. I wipe my face quickly and turn my head around, to find her floating over me and howling as her voice makes an echo.
"Hello Myrtle, don't worry, same old breakdown." I joked. "Waaaaaiitt....what's that on your haaaanddd???" Myrtle asked.
"Oh its...nothing, really." I replied, hiding my arm under my sleeve.
Aaaahhhh, well at least Cormac didn't give you that one like the one Deliiiilaaahh got..." Myrtle sighed.
"Wait, what do you mean the one Cormac gave to Delilah? MYRTLE IS THERE SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME?" I screamed, chasing Myrtle. "Oooooooooo Delilah waaaaarned mee not to tell aaaanyoneeee!!!Oooooooo deaaarrr!!!"
"Myrtle, tell. me. what. happened." I ordered.
"okayyy fineee.....Delilah came in here, vomiting and crying from the paaaaiiinnn of her bruiiissesss!!! And after thaatt....She told me that Coooormac McLaaagennn was the one that raaaped her the night beforeee. And he blaaackmailed her to not tell a siiinnngle sooouuullll!!!" Myrtle said with a sad tone.
"Did he.....did he really do that....TO MY DELILAH???!!!" I screamed, punching the sink with my hand. "Draaaaccooo!!!! don't do aaaanythine stuuuupidd!!!" Myrtle begged. Ofcourse I wasn't gonna let him get away with it. So I went roaming the halls to find that son of a bitch. I passed the hall, and he was joking with a couple of his friends just by the Griffindor common room.
I yelled as I walked over to him. I grabbed the back of his collar and dragged him to the bathroom as his friends were begging me to stop. I held my wand and cast a spell on them that made them fly away to the end of the hall. He was struggling to get go of my grip the entire time, but it didn't do him much justice. I threw him to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I then picked him up again and stuck him against the wall, and I pinned his neck to the wall with my arm. My other arm was holding my wand, which was poking his stomach.
"Wha-what did I do??!!" Cormac cried.
"Dont play dumb with me...I know what you did. And after I'm done with you, I'm sure everyone is gonna know about it as well." I warned. "You think you're so damn scary huh? That you can scare every girl at Hogwarts with that small sausage between your legs you call a DICK??!! Well not. on. my. fucking. watch. Is that why you were bullying her on her hickeys? HUH? And you think you can just go on with your day and I wouldn't NOTICE. WELL GUESS WHAT! YOU'RE NOT! You can fuck with your little guy friends all you want but when it comes to MY friends, this is where I draw the fucking line. So here's what's gonna happen, okay? If I see you even TOUCH Delilah or ANYONE else, I swear on your mother I am going to eat you ALIVE! IS. THAT. FUCKING CLEAR!"
"Y-Y-Yes" Cormac shivered.
"LOUDER!" I ordered, aiming my wand on his neck.
"OKAY OKAY I PROMISE!!!" He cried.
I grabbed him, took a breath, and punched him with all my power.
"Pathetic!" I scoffed, spitting on his face as he was lying there on the bathroom floor, shivering and aching.
Wow! Looks like Neville wasn't the only one looking for a fight! Will the girls finally receive justice? Find out in the next chapter!

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