Chapter 44: Let It Snow

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Delilah's pov: We were seated at the dining table, hands and arms tangled over the table, reaching for food. "Hey Neville! Wanna sit next to me?" I asked. "I'd rather not." Neville replied as sat beside Blaise instead. Why was he avoiding me lately? Neville went to get himself a cup of waterTracey sat next to me, so she was the one passing me the food. "Delilah dear?" Lucius Malfoy asked. "Yes?" I replied. And he said something that spoke the entire dining table. "Could you be a dear and pass me a loaf of bread from over there?" Lucius requested as he was pointing at the end of the table, which I clearly couldn't reach. Is he making fun of me? I just sat there in shock, with my eyes down and my face red as blood. Draco's face was red as well. "Here you go." Neville said angrily as he stood and threw him a loaf of bread. "Thank you....boy." Lucius snarled. "Father!" I heard Draco whisper to his dad. "What? I....forgot." Lucius said, looking innocent. I sat there, hands shaking as the entire table proceeded to look at me. "Hey Del, don't listen to him. He's a disrespectful man, so don't give it much thought, okay?" Blaise whispered to me. "....thanks man" I replied as I tried so hard not to cry. "I think you owe her an apology" I heard Draco whisper to his dad. "I don't think I need to do that. Don't....tell me....what to do...." Lucius growled at Draco as he squeezed his arm, revealing a sort of burn on his arm with black in it. "Agghhh!" Draco ached. "Excuse me." Draco stuttered as he rushed to the bathroom. "What the hell was that?" I asked Blaise. "Oh, its just something on Draco's hand has been hurting him for a while....he wouldn't tell me what it was though." Blaise answered with a mouthful of food. Hey Neville, may I have a word with you?" Blaise asked. "Sure." Neville said nervously. They both walked to the kitchen.

Neville's pov: I wasn't sure why Blaise wanted me, but it surely wasn't something good. He pulled me to the kitchen and rested his hand on the kitchen table. "May I understand why have you been ignoring Delilah? I thought you liked her?!" Blaise said angrily. I knew what this is about. "...Nothing." I lied. Is it because she is now handicapped so u have no interest in her?" Blaise said angrily. "WHAT? HOW COULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT??!" I said as I was about to cry. "THEN WHAT IS IT? What is is man? you've been stressed all day." Blaise asked once more. I brushed my hair to the back of my head, took a deep breath, and let out some tears. "Neville? what's-"
"IT WAS ME OKAY? I did this to her....I'm the reason she is like this." I cried and broke down. "Did what Neville? Tell me!" Blaise said as he stooped down to my level. "I....I did this to Delilah. Its my fault she's handicapped. I'm so sorry..." I cried even more. "What do you mean?" Blaise asked as he picked me up. "I tried to carry the tree, but it fell back down and broke her spine! That's why she can't walk!" I sighed in tears. "And...does anyone else know?" Blaise asked. "Not a single soul." I replied. "Hey, is that why you have been distant from her lately?" Blaise asked again. I nodded. "Hey, first of all, when you were lifting that tree up, you were trying to save her. Neville Longbottom saved her that night. Being paralysed is better than being dead, isn't it? So, take a deep breath, walk out there, and remember that its NOT your fault. Come on, their waiting for us." Blaise comforted. We went back to the dining table, and Draco followed.

Delilah's pov: I sat there, moving my head to the left to peek through the bathroom opening as Draco was by the sink, washing his arm and cooling it off. I wonder what his father has done to him....Then Draco, Blaise and Neville walked back to the dining table and resumed with their feast. "Draco dear, would you like some juice?" Auntie Charlotte asked. "No, thank you." Draco declined. "Mom? Can you pass me another tart please?" Tracey asked. "Honey you have had four tarts in one sitting. Calm the hell down." Tracey's mom said. "Sorry mom, I'm just...really really craving something sweet." Tracey laughed. "Here, take mine. I don't want it." Neville said as he offered a tart to Tracey with a smile. "Thanks Nev!" Tracey smiled. The table was now empty and our tummies where now full. We went over to the living room and sat there chatting over a glass of lemonade. "So....Tracey Davis, isn't it?" Aziza Zabini asked. "Yes ma'am." Tracey said confidently. "Blaise has told me so much about you. You must mean a great deal to him." Blaise's mom said. "Yes, and he means a great deal to me as well." Tracey replied as Blaise kissed Tracey's hand. "Ah, that reminds me of Draco and Delilah when they were...together." Lucius said as he was giving me mean looks. "That was a long time ago, father." Draco said as he sipped his drink. "So, how long have you guys been together?" Blaise's mom said, implying to Blaise and Tracey. "A couple months now." Blaise answered as he pulled Tracey closer to him. Aziza didn't give their love much thought, so she looked away with her nose up in disapproval. That look made Tracey's face turn red. "Aaaand, I forgot your name, dear." Aziza Zabini smiled as she pointed at Neville. "It's Neville, ma'am" Neville answered. "Nice to meet you. Now, who is your closest friend here. And be honest." Aziza asked Neville. "Mom!" Blaise whispered to his mom. "Umm, I'm sure it is Delilah." Neville said as he smiled at me. "Uh rude!" Tracey scoffed. "Because....we have been close for a long time and our friendship is genuine as they say." Neville added. "Ahhh, I see. So, I guess you have grown to like eachother, isn't that right?" Aziza asked. "Well, I mean who wouldn't!" Neville laughed. "I did." Draco said as he sipped his drink and looked at Neville. "Yeah..." Neville smiled akwardly. "So, you're still friends i suppose." Mrs. Zabini said. "Best friends." Neville smiled. And at that moment, Draco choked in his drink, laughing. "Something funny, Draco?" Neville asked angrily. "Oh no, I'm sorry, It's nothing. Something funny i remembered. Haha!" Draco laughed. "This is NOT good." Tracey whispered to me." "I know." I replied. "Oh look! Its time for the count down!" Tracey's mom screamed. We all stood up and counted. "10...9...8...7....6....5....4....3....2..1...HAPPY  NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!" We screamed. Happy New Years everybody!" Gran Longbottom screamed as she hugged us all. "Happy New Year baby!" Tracey said to Blaise. "Happy New Year, love." Blaise said as he kissed Tracey. "YEAAH!" Draco cheered. "Happy New Year, Del." Neville said. "Happy New Year Neville." I smiled back. I felt that he was leaning in for a kiss. And as he got closer.....and closer...and closer.... "HAPPY NEW YEAR DELILAH!" Tracey screamed as she hugged me. "Happy New Year buddy!" Blaise said as he hugged Neville. "Happy New Year Nevy!" Gran Longbottom screamed as she pulled Neville over to her and started kissing him all over his face. "Gran! stop! your lipstick! aaghh!" Neville said with disgust as I laughed in the back. Neville gave me an angry look as I was wheezing while he was covered with lipstick. "I hope that made you happy, Miss Delilah." Neville said in a mood. "I'm sorry, I can't! HAHAHAH!" I laughed, which put a smile on his face. "Here, let me wipe it out for you." I offered. I pulled a paper towel from my wheelchair and wiped his fluffy cheeks, his forehead..his chin....his lips. And for some reason, I paused at his lips. And by the looks of it, he wasn't complaining. "Come on Delilah! We're going skating outside!" Draco called. "But....I can't skate!" I sighed. "Oh don't worry, I will stroll you on the ice as I skate. It's gonna be so much fun!" Draco smiled. I looked at Neville, checking if he was okay with this. "Go. I will follow in just a minute to wear my skating shoes." Neville smiled. "Thanks Nev. Draco! Wait up!" I yelled as he guided me outside.

Neville's pov: I was tieing by shoes when I notice how Delilah's laugh echoed through the wind as Draco was sliding her on the clear ice. "Be careful out there!" I yelled to Draco when I finished wearing my skates. "Just a minute." Draco excused Delilah as he skated towards me. And when Tracey turned Delilah away, Draco pulled my sweater aggressively and pushed me against the wooden wall behind me. "Be careful! Funny you should say that you little shit!" Draco mocked. "Wha-what do u mean?" I stuttered. "Dont play dumb with me. I know all about your little secret. I heard you and Blaise talking in the kitchen. You talk about careful? Coming from the person who made Delilah paralysed, thats pretty fucked up don't u think?" Draco snarled as he pulled my sweater up tighter and tighter. "I swear I didn't mean to-"
"Fuck off, Longbottom." Draco said as his words spat on my face. He pushed me away and went back to Delilah, laughing and playful and charming. I'm in big trouble....

Blaise's pov: "TRACEY JUST CALM DOWN!" I laughed. "WAIT WAIT JUST GIVE ME TIME TO LEARN!" She laughed back. I held her hand and skated, one foot after another. I let her balance on my shoulder as I watched her become steadier and steadier. "There you go! That's my girl!" I cheered as Tracey clapped in excitement. "TRACEY YOU CAN SKATE NOW?!" Neville exclaimed as he spun around us. "YEAH, SEE? I EVEN SKATE BETTER THAN YOU!" Tracey said confidently as we laughed. "HEY GUYS! CHECK IT OUT! DELILAH IS ON THE ICE!" Draco screamed from the distance as we saw Delilah hugging Draco and holding on to him as her num legs shivered on the ice. "OH MY GOD SHE EVEN SKATES BETTER THAN ME!" Tracey laughed. "SHE CAN FEEL MOST OF HER THIGHS NOW!" Draco yelled. "THAT'S AMAZING!" Neville cheered. "Ya hear that, TrayTray?" I said to Tracey, who was supposed to be behind me. "Tracey?" I called to her as I turned around, only to see that there is a whole in the ice where she was supposed to be standing. "TRACEY!" I screamed as I saw her helpless body drift deeper into the icy water. "SOMEBODY HELP!" TRACEY!" I pleaded. "What's wrong with Tracey?" Delilah asked as she was strolled back down with Draco. "TRACEY IS UNDER THE ICE!" Neville panicked. "OH MY GOD! SOMEBODY BREAK THE ICE! COME ON!" Delilah screamed and cried. Neville took off his sweater, ready to dive in. Draco was breaking the ice with his fist multiple times, he punched in so hard his knuckles started to bleed. "COME ON DRACO WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!" Neville screamed. And a few seconds later, Draco broke the ice and Neville and I dove into the water. It was colder than I imagined, I felt the frostbites eating my skin as I searched for Tracey. Then Neville pulled my hand and signalled to this body of a girl, her hair floating and her limbs wide open. I just knew that was Tracey. I rushed to her and ignored the frostbites that were biting on my joints. I grabbed her waist and swam up to land. The three of us got out of the water and found our parents gathered around us, panicking and Auntie Charlotte crying. "TRACEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER!!!" She cried. Her body was cold as ice and her lips were blue. We carried her and flew her off to the local hospital. After a couple hours of emergency check ups, Tracey was warm again, and her heart beat again. And she opened her eyes, which made me pray a thanks to God a thousand times. "Tracey honey, are you okay? Auntie Charlotte asked as she kissed Tracey's hand repeatedly. "I'm fine mom." Tracey groaned. We spotted the doctor come towards us, so we all stood up in anticipation. "Tell us doctor, is she alright?" I asked the doctor. "Well, we ran a few blood tests, and there are some news." The doctor said. "What is it?" Tracey asked. "Well Tracey, the good news is your blood pressure is normal again, and your body temperature is normal. But....there is something you should know." The doctor said. "What is it, doc?" Tracey asked nervously.
"You're pregnant."
Tracey is pregnant! How will Blaise's mom and Tracey's mom react to this? Will Blaise be involved in his child's life? More on that in the next chapter.......

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