Chapter 23: Love-Hungry

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Delilah's pov: How did he get to me? who does he think he is? Draco always gave me "The pleasure", but now it was just weird. And I don't know why, but I just....let myself go with it. I drank TOO many tequilla shots, so I could've slept with Hagrid for all I know. "Come on, Del..I missed you. All of you." He whispered in my ear. I slowly started to  kiss him all over his face, cherry chapstick stamped on his pale skin as i reached his small, wet lips. His breath smelled like liquor, and his hands were cold. He messed up by hair as I felt he world going upside down,unable to stand straight, and feeling nauseous. Then, I felt his hand going through my bra, unbuttoning it. "No, no stop. This isn't right..." I groaned, slightly pushing him away. I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid. "What? aren't you gonna make love to me?" Draco smiled, shoving his hand in my hair. "Draco, we broke up. We're done. And I know that if we weren't drunk we wouldn't be doing this." I replied.
"Yeah I know. That's what I like about being drunk with you." He said, reaching over and smelling my neck. "Mmm, jasmines. Pansy smells like amber" He laughed. I stared at him with disgust, and slapped him across the face with all my anger. His head rose up, looking back at me. But he looked pissed, like I just slapped something vicious out of him. "What the fuck Draco." I said, with nothing but fury inside me. "What! don't I get my fair share once an a while?"
"First of all, I'm not a sex machine. Second of all, If I kissed you, it was once because I was drunk. And if you take advantage of me again, I will rip the platinum blonde right off you."You sure got some fucking nerve in you, Pritchett." He said, wiping his lips and catching his breath. "If you like amber, go suck on Pansy. Either way we both know that she was kissing you ass before I even got here." I pushed through him to walk away. Then I felt his cold hand grab me by the wrist and twirl me to him. Reminded me of the time he sweeped me off my feet in Bill's wedding. But this time it was more intense, personal, close. "Draco, what are you-"
He looked down at me, his white hair towering over me. "Delilah, um, at least  let me take you to your room, its late."
"Why are you so-....okay fine. Your drunk anyways." he grabbed my hand and guided me upstairs. We reached my room, I pushed Draco off me and closed the door behind me. I was ready to take my clothes off. I dropped my shirt and looked behind me. I turned around to see a foot block the door from closing. "Make love to me, my Delilah"
Oh my god! I thought I was alone! I hid my breasts in my hands and screamed.
"Oh come on, its nothing I haven't seen before." He teased. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALTS IN HERE AND PRETEND NOTHING HAPPENED?" I screamed, putting my sweater back on. "THEN WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU AND I FELT DOWN JUST NOW? HUH? Delilah, you can't tell me it was nothing."
"Yes Draco, it WAS nothing. It was just one drunk night we spent together. Thats it, we were...drunk." I replied.
Draco let out a soft laugh, rubbing his tongue against his inner cheek. He opened my drawer and pulled out the picture he drew for me in Professor Moody's class. "THIS. DOES THIS MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU DELILAH PRITCHETT?"
" were so toxic....and behind my back. Its not because of Neville, its because you didn't trust me. For even one second. I thought I was making you a better person, but if being with me costs other people to pay the price, and especially if its one of my friends, then there is no way in hell we are getting back together."
Draco pointed at me and said "So Neville is your friend now?"
"YES, REALLY." he replied.
"....When I make you mine. When your stubborn mind of yours understands how much I love you, how much I need someone like you. Come on..." Draco said angrily.
I backed him off before he could get any closer and said "Draco....your not doing this only because you miss having sex with me, right?"
And to my surprise, Draco looked down at the ground, silent. "I can't believe how disgusting you are. After all this, after all we have been through...YOU MAKE FUN OF MY ABUSIVE LIFE AND EXPECT ME TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU? wow....GET OOOOUUUUTTT" I cried, with all my heart. Draco tried to tell me that this was not the case....that he really needed me....that he needed someone to trust, especially now...but ofcourse I refused.
He looked deep into my eyes, catching his breath as his shoulders grew wider.
"Draco...please leave." I said quietly as I opened the door for him. "Okay..okay" Draco said, hiding his face and walking towards the door. I looked at the drawing he had of me. I remembered how bad he felt bad for letting me down. I remembered how he risked a Quidditch game to sit in detention by Professor Moody. We are all love-hungry, but when someone becomes love drunk, they knock off everyone off the shelf, unaware of their actions. And I'm not ready to spend my life with someone so possessive. But...he looked like he really needed someone, or something from me. Hell, maybe he just gets horny when he drinks. Drunk and dizzy, I reached over to shut the door behind me. I heard a little creak downstairs in the common room. It that Pansy's owl again? Wait, did I shut the common room door? Pretty sure Blaise shut it. I let out a sigh, I take my bra off, and put on my lingerie. I finished making the bed, still trying to process what the fuck happened 10 minutes ago. I'm stumbling through my junk, feeling the world swirl around me. I was kinda lonely, because Tracey was in Blaise's room, doing the nasty. I don't usually like being alone, especially in a wide room with the howling wind. My stepdad and his friends would always fight and drag stuff outside the house, so it wasn't exactly a goodnight sleep in the basement. I was spreading my blanket on my bed and shutting the windows, until I heard strong footsteps tower up to the slytherin girl dormitory. Oh thank god Tracey's back. I was hanging my clothes, until the door blasted open behind me. Then I turned around, smiling, "Tracey! thank god you're-"
".....Hello beautiful...."
Who was that! Is it Draco? Is it Pansy? How many people are going to take advantage of Delilah? Find out in the next chapter!

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