Chapter 21 (Firefly)

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Firefly and the others glanced at each other in surprise. What Lemon learned had something to do with the prophecy. Well, she thinks it is. And I think it is too because she's smart and stuff. I mean, not super especially smart but like average smart. More than average smart? What IS average smart? Am I average smart or more? I should be more because I do good in school. Is that just a thing with being an animus? What- OKAY, I'M JUST CONFUSING MYSELF MORE. He shook his head and focused on Lemon. 

"So, when I was in the hole, my first thought was that whoever kidnapped me did it for some special reason. Actually, my first thought was how bad they were at it. I easily got out! They should have closed my snout-"

"Get to the point," Blossom muttered annoyed. 

"Right. Sorry. Anyways, I knew they kidnapped me for some special reason because why else would you kidnap a RainWing? It was really easy to get out but I didn't. Ya know why? So I can find out why they kidnapped me! Genius right!?" Lemon puffed her chest and continued. "I waited for a while until they came. Guess who it was? FROG AND BRAMBLE!" Everyone was surprised but also confused. 

"Bramble? Who's that?" Firefly gave her a puzzled look. 

"The guy who 'saved' you from the puddle." Lemon snickered. Firefly looked away though his face was burning with embarrassment. 

"Ah... good to know. Now, please continue." He replied casually.

"Pfft, okay then. So then I asked them in like a really cool, tough voice why they kidnapped me and they were obviously scared but acted like they weren't. Then Frog told me they were planning a party for the queen. That's when I knew they were lying for two reasons: One, why would they do it underground, two, why did they kidnap me? I knew I had to find out. 

"I got out and then snuck through the tunnels. They were really small but I fit. This is where things get interesting. I came to a cliff thingy and I sneakily looked over the edge. I was right! They were doing some magic thing which was obviously evil. That's when I ran to tell you guys and bumped into Dreamstalker." She finished. 

"Wow. Who knew that you, of all dragons, could do that much?" Firefly remarked.

"WHY, YOU LITTLE-" Lemon started but Blossom forced her snout shut. 

"Can you guys stop fighting for TWO SECONDS!? We need to move forward on what Lemon said. We can't just ignore it." Blossom sighed. 

"Then what do we do? I suggest we go back in right now and fight! Who's with me?" Dreamstalker stood up excited, spreading his wings. Blossom sighed, shaking her head at the NightWing's idea, and Firefly face-palmed himself. Idiot. His brother drooped his wings disappointed. 

"I say we get some rest, get Papaya back first thing tomorrow morning, and think about it some more." Firefly proposed. The others nodded in agreement and curled up together for the night. Once everyone was settled in, Firefly shifted closer to Lemon and gently put a wing on her. To his surprise, she moved closer too. Blushing hard, he finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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