Juvenile. - Chapter 7

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I sat down my Diary on my bedside table. Enough of that. Enough of the memories, the things that I experienced today. Enough. I ran a hand through my hair, my eyes gazing out at the moonlight, and I decided to go for a smoke. I don't like guys who smoke. Skylar's words echoed through my head again. Her words were glued into my mind. Every thought I currently shed, was about her. She was like Satan. She was bad. She was bad for me. Yet, she was all I wanted. No, she was all I needed.

I walked out on my patio, flicking my little friend in between my index- and middle finger. Bad habits. I let the wind, well it was more like a light breeze, mess up my hair. I light the cigarette, taking a deep drag. I puffed out the smoke, tapping the ashes off, letting them fly through the air, until they fade away. Fascinating.

I was going crazy. How much longer was I able to wait. To wait for her. It was getting harder, and harder. Second, by Second. Minute, by Minute. Day, by Day. I need to tell her. Tell her, about how I felt about her. Since the kiss. How I can't just forget about it. How that kiss meant, the absolute world to me. Even if it wasn't legit, and just a brief second. She still had my jacket at her dorm. I could possible stop by tomorrow, yes, it was going to be the weekend, but at least that'd be an excuse to meet up with her.

Once my cigarette was gone, faded into the night sky, gone with the wind, I threw the end onto the ground, stepping on it, just because that's what you do. I walked back inside, slamming my door shut, as I for some reason, felt anger. It was boiling up inside me. I checked the time. 11:07pm. I let out a soft groan, and grabbed my keys. And out the door I was. I drove back to the school, the dorms in particular. The reason for my sudden actions? - It was obvious.

I had to see her. Talk to her. Hear her voice. Just, anything. I rushed. I sped up my car, to get there as fast as possible. I saw the school, my eyes light up, they were glowing. I parked, right infront of the entrance, and stepped out, the snow crunching under my feet as I made my way to Dorm 148.

I stood infront of the wooden door. I stared at it for a couple of moments, checking time, once again. 11:23pm. She might even be asleep. I raised my hand and knocked softly. A little louder, since I thought she didn't hear it, and suddenly, the door was open and my hand was still raised for more knocking.

"Harry, what the-" I heard her mutter tiredly. So I did wake her. I stared at her for a couple of seconds, and she turned on the light. Her room mate wasn't here, bless for that.

"She's out?" I asked, motioning my head towards the empty bed, and Skylar nodded, running a hand through her hair.

"She's out a lot. Parties, Drugs, Alcohol and all that." She said, shrugging as she stepped away from the door.

I entered the room and she closed the door, sitting down on the edge of the bed, and I sat down on the armchair, that was sat in the corner of the small room. I placing my hands inside my jeans pockets, biting my lip softly.

"Why even are you here? It's 11:27." She muttered, and glanced at me. Oh how her eyes set fire in me.

"I came to get my jacket, I guess." I said softly, my eyes gazing at the jacket, before paying my full attention back onto her.

"You guess?" She asked, her eyebrow lightly raised. "There's more to why you're here. Spit it out, Styles." She said, crossing her arms, leaning against the wall.

Spit it out, Styles. Her attitude could go crazy. Just like mine. Feisty, yet lovable. I loved it, I loved her. I glanced at her, standing up to sit down at the edge of her bed.

"Skylar, we need to talk about what happened at the party." I began to speak and she interupted me.

"No, we do not, Harry." She more likely, hissed at me. Did she think it was awkward? Or she liked it, but she didn't want to admit? There were endless possibilities on how she felt about what exactly happened, and I hated not knowing.

A frown made it's way onto my face. She couldn't be serious. Yes, it was late at night. Yes, I was in her dorm, when she probably wanted to sleep, but she did not have to give me attitude, because lord knows, I will go insane, right here, right now.

She got off the bed, and so did I, furiously. I ran a hand through my hair, and pushed her towards the nearest wall, placing my hands onto the side of her head, making sure she couldn't leave, for even just a small amount of time.

"Skylar, you're going to listen to me right now." I began, once again. Her eyes were filled with fear, more likely. That's what I saw. "I know, you're kindly trying to avoid this topic, for a certain reason, that you won't tell me, which I most likely can understand. But one thing, I can not understand is, that you push me away, like no fucking other." I started to rant. Right into her face. "I don't know, if that's because of the kiss, because of what I did at the party, but you're certainly not doing yourself a favor." I said and she looked at me, as if I just murdered an innocent animal.

"The fact you are pushing me away, and trying to avoid me, telling me, I should just forget, makes everything just worst!" I began to raise my voice, my face turning red of anger. "Because you have no fucking idea, of how bad I want you touch you, to kiss you, to feel every inch of your fucking body, and you push me away!" I shout, slamming my hands against the wall, next to her head, which made her jump.

"And don't you think I'm done just yet. There's just this little thing in the back of my head. I'm going insane, because you're not mine.  And even though, you might think, you won't belong to me, and that I won't make you mine?" I chuckled deeply. "Then you're wrong. I'm Harry Styles, and the Styles usually gets what he wants." I winked and took my jacket off of the chair it was on.

"You just wait, my little Skylar. I'm not as bad as you think, once you get to know me." I added, chuckling softly as I slammed the wooden door shut, walking back out to my car. I felt a weird sensation of relief. She knows how I feel about her, and how I'm going to make her mine. Eventually. And I could now, make my moves on her, if she wants it or not, it was going to happen.

Skylar's POV.

Tears. I felt the tears coming. I scooted down the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest, beginning to sob. It wasn't the fact, that he told me what he wanted, and how he felt, but the way he said it, scared me. He seemed like a nice guy, and all that, just not the way I met him. He didn't seem like the type of guy, I'd be seen around with on campus.

He wasn't the type of guy I, myself, could imagine with. Yet, he wanted me. My body, just me? He didn't know me? He had no idea what I was like, yet he wanted me?

I wasn't quite sure if I understood him correctly, but he did say clear enough, he wanted to kiss me, to touch me, and all that. Little did he know, I haven't let anyone touch me before, not sexually at least. Not in a perverted kind of way, and I wasn't planning on anytime soon, but I had a feeling, that might be changing, oh so very soon.

He sounded desperate. The way his words flew through his mouth. He must've thought about this a lot, about me a lot. He didn't even have to think about what he wanted to say, he just knew. That was kind of fascinating - I had to admit that to myself! 

How he knew, what exactly he wanted. How he wanted me. He could go for any other girl, on this beautiful world, yet he chose me? What made him go for me? I wasn't the typical girl, you'd think. Tomboy. A little amout of make up, not too much, I was just different.

Harry did seem like the type though, that'd go for someone different. He wasn't the typical guy either, he had something that at attracted many girls, not only his looks, but the way he talked, the way words slipped out of his mouth, he knew what he wanted, he just knew. It was amazingly fascinated.

And that's how I caught myself thinking about him. For the rest of the night. Everything, that has ever happened between us, was replaying through my mind, over and over again. I couldn't possibly be falling for him, could I?

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