Juvenile. - Chapter 4

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This was going to be the start, of something I needed. And what I needed, was innocent, little Skylar. I will show her another world. I'll play nice. Not that I wasn't nice, but I was different. I had a rough childhood. Nobody knew about it, and I was willing to tell her, if she asks, which she will eventually. I know it, everyone has, I just disappeared when they asked. But this time, it was going to be different. Not only, because I liked her, but because I wanted her to be mine.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. I paid and stood up, walking out, towards my car. Snowflakes were melting on my skin, while also getting caught in my hair and my coat. Winter sucks. I shook them off, running a hand through my now damp hair. A smile appeared on my face as I reflected the scenery with Skylar, as we fell into the snow.

"Who wears heels when it's snowing.." I said softly, with a light chuckle following. I started the engine and began to drive back to my flat, decided to take a turn and grab some groceries. I still had a normal life. Chores and all that. I got to the grocery store, groaning at all the snow. I quickly hurried inside, got myself a shopping cart and began to look for everything I needed.

"Styles!" I heard two familiar voices, from down the hallway of the store. Jacob, and Niall. Two guys that I'm friends with. We usually threw parties together and all that, but I stopped drinking and smoking a couple of months ago. It just wasn't for me, really.

"Scott. Horan." I said as they made their way towards me. I peeked into their shopping cart, and as expected, there was a lot of alcohol, and party supplies. "Next party, I see?" I said, chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, you should totally come!" Niall said. I shrugged lightly and softly took my lip in between my teeth. I didn't know. I might go back to my old habits. Getting drunk every weekend. Getting wasted. Fucking around with girls. No. I didn't want this. I wanted to stay loyal to Skylar, even though she wasn't mine. But maybe that was what I needed. Some distraction from Skylar.

"Yeah, I'll come around." I said, and they almost seemed shocked. I was shocked I actually said yes to coming. I usually denied, and spent time in my flat, doing absolutely nothing.

"Glad you finally gave in." Jacob said. I shrugged and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. "It's at our usual place." Niall added and I gave him a slight nod.

"I'll be there tonight." I simply said before walking off to continue my grocery shopping. Why the fuck did I say yes?! Well, it probably was for the best to get my mind off of Skylar. Thinking about her 24/7 made me sick to my stomach. In both ways. It was an incredible feeling, but then again, it hurt too.

I got all the things I needed, and even caught myself doing something I shouldn't have done. I bought cigarettes. I carried my bags out to the trunk of my car, carefully placing them inside. Not only did I buy cigarettes, but I also bought my favorite whisky. That I used to drink at parties, or whenever I felt like it, until I stopped a couple months ago, too bad that was possibly going to end tonight. Scott and Horan just weren't the best influences in my life, at least that's what I thought. Yet I never hang out with other people.

I closed the trunk as I was again lost in my thoughts. I got into my car, and drove back home. I had to get ready for the party. Or at least think about what I wanted to wear. I was that type of guy, yes. I liked to plan out my things wisely. Although my appearance says different. It never turns out to actually look like I spent hours on it. I usually wear the same casual things. But tonight, I had a feeling I was going to be a tad bit fancier. Maybe a button up. I arrived at my small flat and I saw the mail man throwing some letters into my mail box. Probably bills I haven't paid yet. As always. I got out of my car, my feet sinking into snow. Can it just stop snowing? I got out my grocery bags out of my trunk, unlocked my door, and walked straight into the kitchen. I unpacked the groceries, and when my hands grabbed the cigarette packet, I ran my thumb over the little logo that was written on it.

Juvenile. - Harry Styles.Where stories live. Discover now