Juvenile - Chapter 1

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The rain was pouring down onto my window, loudly. But the sound was somewhat relaxing. Once my alarm went off, I hit snooze immediately. College. I was still going to college, ridiculous right? I tiredly rubbed my eyes, yawning as I lifted my body up from my bed. I wouldn't say I hate college, but sadly, I'm starting to. I remembered when I was little. I've always loved to go to school and all of that. I was an unusal happy child who found joy in everything. But now? With me almost being 21, it's hard to believe, but that happiness and I kept inside of me for so long, was starting to fade away, slow and steady. I got out of bed and tiredly made my way into thr bathroom. I leaned my hands on the counter as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. You could see, I wasn't genuinely happy, but still happy. I just felt lonely, that's all. Nothing too dramatic. I pulled my shirt over my head, pushing my boxers down. A hot shower was exactly what I needed now. I turned it on before I stepped in, just to get the temperature right. Once I was under the hot water, that was now softly massaging my back, I shampooed my wet curls. Showers were always something I liked. It was, so extremely peaceful, and you could think about anything, in private. No interruption, no nothing.

Once I got stepped out, water drops dripping onto the tiles in my bathroom, I wrapped a towel around my waist. My reflection meets me again, and I still looked like the same unhappy person as I did before. I don't know what I was missing. I had everything I needed. But I'm the believer, that everything happens for a reason - and I'm sure, this wasn't going to last forever. Hopefully. I fully dried myself off, and got dressed in my usual clothes. Black jeans, black shirt, just a lot of black. I fixed my hair. I had to look decent for college. Not for girls, in particular. But this one girl, had always caught my eyes. She was stunning, absolutely beautiful, and definitely not in my league. She would be too good for me, she'd deserve someone else and not me. Maybe she had already found love? And was happy? And didn't need a jerk like me? Questions. There were just too many questions, that I couldn't answer - but that I had to find out. I grabbed my bag, but before I put on my coat, it was freezing outside. Wasn't the world a wonderful place? At least, sometimes.

I walked out to my car and headed back to hell. College. "College, Harry at his best." My mother told me, not once but several times. She was proud. I loved my mother, and I did take college very seriously. I couldn't let a beautiful woman like her down. Never, and my sister, Gemma, I looked up to her a lot. I arrived at the college after a 20 minute drive, and I let out a loud sigh.

"Here we go again." I muttered as I grabbed my bag, and stepped out, into snow and ice. The snow crunched underneath my feet as I entered the classroom, and everyone stared at me as if I just killed someone, silly teenagers nowadays. I took a seat next to her. She looked beautiful as always. I might as well just compliment her. I sat down beside her and she threw me a look and her beautiful smile, that I've seen quite a few times. Whenever I saw her on campus at least.

"You look lovely, today." I said to her as she just smiled at me. "I'm Harry." I added and held out my hand, for her to shake, and surprisingly she did. She had soft hands, like we're talking - really soft. After a while we pulled back and we just glanced at each other in complete silence. I took in her beautiful facial features, her eyes, her innocence. Everything just seemed right. But seriously, what was with this girl? I've never been so affected by a female like this, there was just something different about her. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as the teacher walked in, slamming his books on the table.

Class seemed like it was taking forever. And that might have been the fact, I didn't want it to end? - I kept glancing at her. The way she thought, the way she wrote everything down, just the way she was. I was completely lovestruck, and I haven't even properly met her. I really had to get myself together and forget about her as soon as possible. She wasn't in my league, I was way out of it. She'd be too good for me. I began to play with the hem of my T-shirt, as I was now focusing on the teacher. It was so hard to not look at her, to not pay attention to her, to just simply ignore her.

The bell rang. Class was over. I packed all of my school supplies back into my bag, before slowly putting on my coat. I glanced at her, again. I was already at the door of the classroom and as she walked past me she looked back at me. "Skylar." She said with the widest smile I've seen on her so far and walked off.


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