Home Sweet Home

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Arriving at the castle Bailey stopped at the gate and looked back at the road. It has been years since she first set foot in this gate. Her life has changed so much because of the people now in her life. Yet she couldn't shake a sinking feeling that she still had. "Bailey." Sesshomaru's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Yes." She responded turning toward him. "Take Rin to wash. I need to speak with Anita about finding another cook and care taker for Rin." Bailey stopped following him as she heard the last part of the sentence. "What?" Bailey asked her voice laced with anger and confusion. Sesshomaru stopped and turned to her. "Bailey as I have said before you are no longer my servant." He continued walking. Bailey used her super speed to get in front of him. "Dont do that. Dont just state the obvious then walk away. I will take care of Rin. I will cook for her. I trust no one to take care of her." Bailey said her eyes flashing gold and veins blackened. Sesshomaru looked down at her. Sesshomaru nodded to her and smiled down at her. "Very well. You will continue to take care of Rin as her governess. In addition you will be testing the guards as well. I want to see how they fend against you." He finish and signaled for her to follow him. "They all still think I'm human." Bailey said following him. "Indeed which will catch them off guard. I want to see how they think on their feet." Sesshomaru said looking at the doors of the palace. Bailey nodded but stopped at the door way. "Sesshomaru. I need you to invite me in again I haven't been back here since I died." She whispered. Sesshomaru stopped and turned around. "Bailey you may come in." He said in a soft voice. She entered smiling and went to find Rin. She walked the halls hearing the whispers of the servants. Getting to Rin's room Bailey knocked. "Come on in!" Rin's happy voice filled her ears. "Hey Rin. What are you hungry for?" Bailey asked as she walked over and got a fresh kimono for Rin. "Anything really. It's just good to be back home. Isn't it?" Rin asked as she was laying on her bed. Bailey smiled at her. "Home?" Bailey questioned softly out loud. Rin turned towards her with a confused look. Bailey furrowed her brows. "No more of that let's get you cleaned up then I'll make you something to eat." Bailey said quickly getting off the subject. After Rin was washed and seated in the dining hall Bailey brought in her food. "Wow. It looks amazing. This reminds me of the first time you cooked for me." Bailey smiled setting the ramen down in front of her. "Eat up." Bailey said sitting next to Rin. "Bailey." Anita's voice came from behind them. Bailey looked towards Anita and smile. "Yes Anita?" Bailey asked sweetly. "Lord Sesshomaru would like you to go to the training room." Bailey smiled "That time already is it." Bailey said getting to her feet. "Rin I'll help you carry..." She started before seeing Rin had finished her food within minutes. "Rin you shouldn't eat that fast." Bailey scolded her. "Come on then." She said following Anita to the training room. As she entered the guards all smiled and greeted her. She nodded and waved. Holding her head high she looked towards Sesshomaru. "You all have been summoned here for a reason. You have been getting soft at your posts. Letting your guard down." Sesshomaru's voice was cold. "Now you will have to prove yourselves." He said even colder catching everyone's attention. Bailey hardened her gaze at the men. He looked towards Bailey and nodded once Bailey's face went emotionless as she walked out leaving the room. "Rin sit over there in the back. Anita will keep you at a safe distance." Sesshomaru said nodding to Anita. Anita ushered Rin to a safe place and was soon joined by Sesshomaru. Bailey waited outside the door for Sesshomaru to say the signal word. "Do not disappoint me." He said sitting down. The men looked around confused eyes still on Sesshomaru. The door clicked open and closed but they didn't see what it was that had entered. Bailey used her super speed moving too quick for them to see her. The men looked around the room as weapons were thrown their way from different directions. The guards scattered around the room all on guard looking around and trying to catch the scent of the intruder. Bailey pushed one guard down. Threw another against the wall careful enough not to put him through it. Sesshomaru smiled from his seat seeing the men slowly getting into form. Bailey raced around the room waiting for one of them to let their guard down. Finally the general did just that and Bailey zoomed up to him and picked him up by the throat. The men froze seeing Bailey appear out of nowhere. Anita gasped "Bailey?" She said in disbelief. The general's eyes widened as she threw him at the wall. Giving the others a hard glare she dissapeared again. This time she changed into her wolf form. The men huddled together with their backs to each other in a circle. Bailey growled deep causing Anita and the men to jump and look frantically around the room. Bailey charged smashing into the men and throwing them about being careful not to hurt them too badly. As she was done throwing the men around they all laid sprawled out on the floor. Sesshomaru smiled and threw down a blanket that he had instructed Anita to bring. As it landed over Bailey she changed into her human form wrapping herself in the blanket she looked at the men still on the ground looking at her in a daze. "Be prepared for anything you are all supposed to guard the castle and keep everyone in it safe. I didn't even use a third of my strength on you and I was able to take you all down. Next time...." she said looking around the room then at Sesshomaru ".... I won't go so easy on you." She finished then left the room wrapped in a blanket. The guards all groaned and grumbled getting up from the ground. Anita sat there awe struck at what she had seen. "Amazing." She said as she watched the door close. Sesshomaru nodded his head "Indeed she is." He said getting up and following after Bailey. Once Bailey got to the hall she followed Rin's scent back towards her room. She stopped in front of the room that had been given to her before they left for Sesshomaru's mother's palace. She took a deep breath and entered. Getting fresh clothes she slipped into them. She heard knocking on her door. "Come in." She said her voice a bit off. Sesshomaru opened the door and entered closing it behind him. "You did well. They will not let their guard down anytime soon. In a few days you will test them again." He said looking at her back. Bailey turned around and glared at him.

"So I'm not a servant but now I'm some kind of trainer for your guards

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"So I'm not a servant but now I'm some kind of trainer for your guards." Sesshomaru lifted his brow at her. 'Is she angry with me?' He thought to himself. Sesshomaru took a step forward towards Bailey her face not giving way to the glare she was shooting him. He went to grab her arm but stopped short as the door swung opened and Rin and Anita came in. "Rin. You must remember to knock." Anita said wagging her finger at her. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes as Bailey still glared at him. Turning quickly he left her room. "Bailey that was amazing they had no idea what was happening." Rin shouted happily. Bailey gave a small smile. "Come Rin let's get on with your studies." Bailey said leading her out of the room.

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