Chapter 1: awakening

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When the bright light faded. Aaron found himself in the middle of a forest. He looked around and found his assault rifle, a pistol and the tracking device. He then proceeded to test his weapons. Once everything was straightened out, he followed the path to his apu. On the way he noticed that his apu was moving towards him as well.
Aaron: so this must be the ai big g was talking about.
At 200 meters from his apu. Aaron heard a low growl. He turned around and saw a black wolf approach him menacingly. He aimed his rifle in case it attacked. The wolf roared and charged at Aaron, causing him to open fire. After he killed it, it then turned to dust.
Aaron: that's weird
As he continued he encountered a white fang base.
Aaron: hey! Do you know where we ar-
He was cut of by a gunshot and dived for cover.
Aaron: oh come on!
The other white fang soldiers attacked as Aaron returned fire.
Meanwhile with our other main characters
Ruby: didn't ozpin said there was an increase in grim here?
Yang: I know right? Maybe he got mixed up.
Blake: hold up, I hear gunfire.
Weiss: over there! Isn't that a white fang base.
Ruby: yeah you're right. Wait who are they shooting at.
Yang: oh I see him. Wait what is he wearing.
Aaron POV
God damn it, they have mechs? Welp time to use lighting mode.
I flipped the switch and fired at the mech. Bolts of electricity came out of the gun and destroyed their apu.
Team rwby POV
Weiss: did he seriously just destroy a paladin by himself.
Ruby: whoa what weapon was that I want one.
Yang: calm yourself ruby.
Blake: come on let's go help.
3rd POV
As team rwby attacked the white fang Aaron took notice of them.
Aaron: whoa how are those girls doing that.
Then, a rumbling sound was heard as some thing landed.
Aaron: about time my apu arrived!
The white fang soldiers turned their attention to the apu as they have never seen something like it before. The apu took a good look at them before opening fire. More paladins were deployed but the apu's 30mm guns were powerful enough to destroy them.
Aaron then used his apu for cover. After a while of fighting he turned to team rwby
Aaron: hey can you hold this for me?
Ruby: huh?
Aaron tossed his rifle to ruby. His apu turned around to protect him from gunfire as the hatch opened revealing there was no pilot.
Yang: how's there no pilot?
Blake: I don't know, an ai maybe?
Weiss: impossible only atlas has those.
Yang: we'll talk about that later, Ruby's getting to energetic.
Ruby was just fangirling over the weapon.
Ruby: whoa what does this switch do?
She found the switch for lightning mode.
Aaron got in his apu and returned fire on the white fang. At this point, all the gunfire attracted a grimm.
But by this point, the white fang were fully dealt with and retreated.
Ruby: is that an armored nevermore?
Weiss: how are we supposed to deal with that? Our weapons can't penetrate it.
Aaron: I got this.
He activated the Apu's thrusters and engaged in an intense dogfight with the nevermore. The nevermore roared in pain as it was filled with 30mm rounds before falling to the ground in death. Aaron then returned to the group.
Aaron: are you alright.
Ruby: whoawhatwasthatthatwassocoolcanyouteachmehowtodothosethings
Aaron: huh?
Yang: sorry, my sisters a weapon fanatic.
Aaron: that's understandable.
Weiss: 2 questions. What kind of paladin is this? And how was it able to move and shoot without you operating it.
Aaron: it's also piloted by an ai.
Weiss: but how only atlas has those.
Aaron: i don't know, but I don't trust it.
Ai: I can see from your point of view, considering that your a veteran from a war with machines. Also what are you naming me?
Aaron: I don't know, how about oculus.
Oculus: an interesting choice. Very well then.
Blake: what was that about a war with machines.
Oculus: permission to show them pilot?
Aaron: uh sure. Oh and heads up, if you can't take intense gore, DO NOT WATCH.
Yang, Weiss and Blake immediately covered Ruby's eyes and ears.
Oculus: ok here it his.

At the opening part
Weiss: but why would you block the sun. Don't you guys use dust.
A few seconds later
Weiss: oh so you don't use dust?
Aaron: yes.
Blake well blocking out the sun is still a terrible plan though.
Oculus: operation dark storm was never meant to cover the entire planet. Only the territories 01 controlled. We lost control over the nano-machines and they couldn't stop replicating.
Blake: oh sorry.
Aaron: nah it's fine.
After the video
Yang: wow I didn't know you guys went through so much.
Radio: we need help here! There's some sort of mobile cannon attacking us. There's a human on top shooting lightning. Get to sector 5 and support us damn it.
Yang: whoa what?
Aaron: sounds like a megatank to me. Oculus where is the sector 5 their talking about.
Oculus: it's 5km away from here.
Aaron: great let's go. You guys call for backup.
Ruby: ok.
On call
Ruby: hey ozpin
Ozpin: yes ruby? Have you investigated the area you were assigned?
Ruby: yes there was barely any grimm but we found a white fang base and guy with this wired gun and paladin thingy he called an apu. The guns can apparently shoot bullets that can penetrate aura.
Ozpin: really now? Where is he?
Ruby: right here
Aaron: hi.
Ozpin: greetings. Thanks for keeping my students sa-
Someone snatched ozpin's scroll out of his hands.
???: yo we got an apu pilot here.
???2: really let me see. Hold up, Aaron?
Aaron: wait Michael is that you?
Michael: yeah bro it's me.
???: you know him.
Michael: yea we were friends in secondary school.
???: nice hey Aaron I'm Caleb. Those 2 other guys are Zane and Kai.
Zane and Kai: sup
Aaron: anyway some just said over the radio their under attack from what I'm guessing is a megatank.
Caleb: really? Where?
Aaron I'm sending the location now.
Caleb: got it.
Aaron: I'm headed there first. You guys back me up. Caleb: sure
Aaron: alright cya.
Caleb: ok. Squad get ready to move out!
Michael, Zane and Kai: sir yes sir!
Ozpin: I'll send team jnpr to assist.
Ruby: ok team let's go.

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