Chapter 1: First Impressions

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Manhattan, New York
Sunday, February 14th
12:03 p.m.

Onika smirked when she saw the bouquet of flowers and the chocolate covered strawberries that sat outside her penthouse suite. She ran her tongue over her teeth as she picked up the strawberries, reading the note on top of it.

You deserve everything for that pussy you've been giving me this week ~Cartier

"Too bad that's his last time," She mumbled to herself, tossing the card behind her. She left everything outside so Jerry could get them, and throw them away.

Jerry knew all about Onika's late night rendezvous. Onika had one man, woman, and everything in between in her penthouse for a week at a time, and everybody heard how she got down on the inside. That particular person would come in and out as they pleased for a week and after that, Onika wouldn't speak to them ever again. She deleted numbers, social media pages, and even emails. It was like she was giving them a 1-week-free-trial to something so great they wouldn't encounter it again. Having that power made her feel good.

She walked into her suite, clapping her hands for the lights to come on. She wiggled out of the grey pencil skirt she wore and started to unbutton her white dress shirt. Her small feet hit the cold floor when she stepped out of her heels, making her way to the kitchen.

Grabbing her phone from her purse on the way, she reached inside her fridge to grab the red wine. Once she poured herself a drink, she called her friend Nessa.

Nessa knew that Onika only called her about one thing, otherwise she would be texting. Onika hated being on the phone. She felt like it was an invasion of privacy and also, it was a lot of effort that she didn't want to give.

"Hello?" Nessa answered.

"Nessa lovely, I'm calling for that list."

"Cartier only had six days though."

"I'm done playing with him. He comes over here and he wants to play. I get foreplay, but that's if there's a connection. There's not. He's attractive, that's why he's here."

"He has a good heart Nika," Nessa poured herself a drink as well, leaning over her island. The view she had of the city was gorgeous.

"Then he should've come to me a different week. I wasn't in the mood for his heart."

"Good lay, I bet."

"Great actually, but the heart thing ruins it."

"So I'm guessing you're not in the mood for that. You just wanna have sex this week?"

Onika tapped her manicured pointer finger on her chin. She walked out to her balcony, looking over everything in New York.

"I don't know Nessa."

"How you gon' call me for a list and not even know what you want?"

Onika smiled. "Give me a mix. Wowers and good fuckers."


This was a way of dating to Onika. One of her older friends had introduced it to her almost a year ago, and ever since then she'd been doing it this way. She was a liberated woman and she hated being tied down to someone that she was 'talking to' when she could be weighing her options.

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