𝟬𝟬𝟯. spill your secrets

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  spill your secrets

TRUE TO HER word, Marlene would show up just after seven, as Stevie was washing her dishes. She flicked the door open wandlessly, as she attempted to dry her soapy hands, Marlene strolling in with her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. Her blonde mane is nestled into a ponytail at the nape of her neck, and her jeans are ripped at the knees, like she had fallen somewhere.

"Hey darling," Marlene smiled. "You ready?"

Stevie nodded, her hands clammy. "Well, this is my flat," she muttered, gesturing around at the small, cramped space. There's a sofa, a big arm chair, a television, and a record player all crammed into a small living room, and her kitchen though small, is very tidy. The bedroom and bathroom were small things tucked next to the main area. It's small, but Stevie loves it. It's all hers.

Summers spent crammed on beds jammed in rows, she had the unlucky draw of taking the bed next to the bathroom, so girls would constantly be shuffling past Stevie, leaving her restless.

The Hufflepuff dormitory, though spacious, and much better than the orphanage, was still shared with six other girls, and it was never quiet, or peaceful. Stevie finally got her safe space in her flat. She never could pluck up the courage to even set foot in the cottage her parents had left to her in their will.

"Where exactly, is the meeting?" Stevie questioned, fastening the buttons of her shirt again after realizing she had missed one earlier. "Accio wand," she mumbled, the cypress wood finding its way to her hand. She shoved it in her trousers and looked at Marlene, who had not replied.

"You'll see when we get there," Marlene smiled, looping an arm around Stevie's and dragging her out the flat to the landing. Side-along was never the most pleasant experience but they arrived safely at their destination, one Stevie recognized.

The Potter Mansion in Kent towered over them, Stevie immediately relaxing. She could spot James' quidditch hoops in the distance, and the big garden where the actual wedding had been held yesterday. Marlene knocked on the oak door, Stevie hanging a few feet back. She wipes her sweaty palms on the fabric of her trousers, nearly jumping when Mr. Potter opens the door. "What is Marlene Mckinnon's middle name and wand core?"

"My name is Marlene Christina Mckinnon," Marlene stated with a smile. "My wand core is unicorn hair."

"Darling, wait here," Mr. Potter smiled, waving at someone inside. Lily and Frank both showed up at the doorstep, the redhead crossing her arms and smiling. She was beaming, radiant in a green jumper, proudly displaying her wedding and engagement rings.

LEATHER AND LACE ━━  m. mckinnon⁰Where stories live. Discover now