𝟬𝟬𝟳. kiss me harder

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seven,࿐ kiss me harder

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࿐ kiss me harder

MARLENE WAS DEFINITELY one of those people who smothered those she loved with her love and affection. It could be overbearing sometimes, but Stevie didn't really mind. What did bother Stevie however, was the fact that Marlene was a morning person.

Stevie could sleep away the day if she wanted to, tucked underneath her cocoon of warmth created overnight, which was all she really was doing these days, after their disaster of a mission. Marlene tended to get up at the crack of dawn, and even if she tried, she wasn't exactly the quietest in the mornings.

To put it in simple words, Marlene was the clumsiest person Stevie had ever met. She may have this aura of assuring confidence, but she was always fumbling and dropping everything. Marlene could trip on thin air, or drop a mug of coffee when no one even bumped into her.

But even Stevie couldn't be that annoyed, because she finally had someone who loved her more than friends do. Scratch that. Marlene almost worshipped her. No one had ever touched Stevie so gently, with so much love, and reverence, like she was a deity, and the altar was her hips.

And Stevie did all she could to return the favor, lips trailing against skin that grew goosebumps as her fingers gently connected with the soft dermis. They couldn't exactly do much more than kiss each other gently, because as Stevie still liked to remind Marlene, she was "damaged goods."

Blissful days spent at the Potters faded into blissful days at Stevie's tiny box of a flat. Marlene spent every night there, not wanting to leave Stevie alone, which they both were grateful for. Someone to hold them when nightmares flashed beneath closed lids was perhaps the greatest gift of them all.

Sirius and Cordelia were over a few days after, along with Remus, and Marlene was fussing in the kitchen, making tea. "How are you feeling?" Cordelia asked kindly, reached out to squeeze Stevie's hand. "I was so worried when I heard."

"It was supposed to be us going, but it was a full moon," Sirius muttered. "I'm so sorry Stevie."

"Don't do that. It was none of your faults. There was nothing that could have happened differently," Stevie responded, hearing something clatter in the kitchen. Spending a few days in the Potter household meant she knew about Remus' furry little problem.  "Mar? You okay in there?"

"Yes!" Marlene called out. "Tea is almost ready."

"I'll go help," Remus sighed, walking over. "She'll probably drop something."

"Heard that!" Marlene's voice echoed.

"Are you two dating now?" Cordelia asked. "Somethings changed between you two."

Stevie rolled her eyes, fidgeting with the knit fabric of the blanket draped over her legs. She's wearing sweatpants and a lavender jumper, hair in a messy plait, but she doesn't exactly mind. She's slowly looking a little more normal, even if the wound in her stomach throbbed painfully on occasion, or when her hands would shake due to the after effects of the curse. "We are," she whispered. "Marlene has literally saved me these past couple of days."

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