Ch14: Brother Rules

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Iris's POV

We all walked out and all James and Reece could do was talk about the waitress. Charlie put his arm around me and pulled me tight to him. I smiled back at him. He kissed my temple as we got in the van. This time I sat in the back next to Charlie. He had his arm around me and I could tell something was happening. But I still couldn't tell what.

Reece sat in front of me next to James. Barclay and Tom still up front. Casey sat next to Charlie and Jake was in the seat by the door. Chris next to James and Jake. The middle row had four seat and the back three.

No one said much on the way back. But I knew something was going on but no one spoke of it. And I knew that was because of me. I wish they would all stop acting weird because of me.

We pulled in and I waited to get out. I got out and Charlie put his arm around me again but this time I shrugged out of it. He stood there like he was offended but I just kept walking. Right through the front door then into my room.

I could tell someone was following but I couldn't tell who. But I do know that I shut the door in their face. But they opened it I and I looked up and if was Chris. He smiled at me before coming over to where I was on the window sil.

"You alright?" He asks. I shrug.

"Can you talk?" I shrug again. He sighs.

"Do you want to know what we were all talking about?" He asks and I nod.

"The waitress gave Reece her number." He said. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised.

"That's what that was all about?" I ask. He nods. I then laughed at him.

"Well yeah." He says with a shrug.

"And you all his this from me why?" I ask.

"We thought it would upset you." He said again. I laughed at him.

"Why would it upset me?" I ask out of the blue. The door was shut so I wasn't sure who was there.

"Because you and Reece...." He said trailing off.

"Me and Reece are over." I state. He quickly shuts up then looks away. He then stands and goes I the door. He opens it and we see all the boys standing there. My eyes widen as I realize they had heard everything. Reece had heard everything. He glared at me then stormed off.

"Thanks a lot Chris." I say before following after Reece. Pushing through the boys. Jake grabs my arm to stop me but I'm far gone and out of his grip before he can say anything.

"Reece." I say but he doesn't stop. I roll my eyes and hurry after him.

"Reece." He still doesn't stop. He makes it to his room and shuts the door but not before I jam my foot in the door. I sigh before opening it.

Reece was pacing back and forth. He had his hands in his hair. Pulling it. His face distorted in pain. I saw him push a lamp violently onto the floor. I gasp and he turns around to glare at me. For a moment I think he's going to hurt me. But the Reece I know would never do that.

He changed remember.

But he doesn't. His face crumbles. Tears begin to form in his eyes. His hands still in his hair. Pain rises in my chest as a tear slides down his face. My lip begins to quiver at this.

"Reece." I whisper.

"Get out." He says. His voice harsh and hard. I almost flinch.

"No." I say in a hard voice. He comes close and pins me to the wall. His arms caging me in.

"What?" He says.

"I said no." Pushing him off of me. He only stares at me.

"I'm not leaving." I say sitting on his bed.

"Do you remember that on night you came back and found me sitting on the window sil. I was crying. I saw you and told you to leave. You told me no because you knew that if you did that you wouldn't see me in the morning. That I would be dead." I look up smiling as tears slide down my face.

"Well that's what this is." I say. He sits down next to me and let's out a shaking laugh.

"What happened to us?" He asks. I laugh running my hand through my hair.

"Reece?" I ask lightly.


"Why did you yell at me?" I ask. He sighs and gets up from the bed. Going over to the window he says nothing.

"Reece?" I ask again. He grips the sil hard and I think if might break.

"I-I can't tell you. It's ridiculous." He says with a shaky voice.

"You can tell me anything." I say placing a light hand on his shoulder.

"Just go Ris." I knew he wasn't that mad. I took my hand off his shoulder.

"Reece." I say in a small voice.

"God dammit Ris!' He yells. I say nothing.

"Don't you get it!" He says in a strong voice.

"I'm still in love with you! But I can't be because of your brother!" He says then his eyes widen before covering his mouth.

"What?" I say. He looks away and I ask again this time stronger.

"What? I swear Reece if you don't answer me-"

"Jake told me to stay away from you okay?!' His voice is strong as he looks me in the eyes for the first time.

"He decided his rules from when you first came."

Rule1: Don't get in trouble.
Rule2: Take care of yourself
Rule3: Don't fight with the boys

And the final rule.

Rule 4: Don't have any romantic relations with any of the boys.

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