Chapter 26 - Inside the Navigator's camp [2]

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An empty chair and a table filled with different tools are what I've been staring at for the past couple of minutes.

I bet they're going to use those to make me spit out information.

After I failed to crush the throat of the guy named Jairus, Emielle locked me inside a room and tied both my hands to a wall in response to his request.

Now, where the hell are they? I'm getting a little sweaty here.

There are no windows around, so the temperature is slowly rising. The only way outside is a single wooden door far to my left.

Bored, I once again tried freeing my hands for God knows how many times, but failed.

"Damn it."

The rope was wrapped tight, and all I could do was lean against the wall while staring at the ceiling.

Suddenly, a voice can be heard from the other side of the room.

"Move your ass!" a woman said.

A guy with a familiar face came in, followed by Emielle, who's currently holding both of his wrists from behind.

"Dean? W-what are you doing here?" I asked.

He looked at me with a surprised face and stood still. "I should be the one asking you that."

"Walk!" Emielle said before pushing him towards the empty chair.

"Alright, let's get this started, shall we?" Jairus smiled as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"What is the meaning of this? He's in the middle of treatment! He's been stabbed in the shoulder!" I said as I try to break free.

Jairus pulled out his handgun and fired it at the floor, which startled everyone. "Silence. I'll be the one asking questions."

This guy is twisted.

"I know, we all wanted this to end soon, so I'll get straight to the point." He walked straight at me and looked into my eyes. "Tell me the population of Trosta and the number of weapons they currently have."

But almost ten seconds had passed, and the only answer I gave him was a smirk. He let out a chuckle and crouched in front of me.

"Come on. Being stubborn won't get you out of here. I just need answers. You don't want to know what happens if I get pissed." he said.

"Fuck off." I tried to headbutt him, but the straps on both my hands pulled me back against the wall.

"Oh! Fearsome as always, I like that."

He then walked toward the table and grabbed a hammer.

"You know, I hate doing this. But you're making this way too hard for both of us. I asked you sincerely, and you, woman, retorted. Isn't that quite... disrespectful?" he asked and slammed the back of the hammer on the table, leaving a crack on it.

"Jairus! Don't you dare lay a hand on her!" Dean butted in.

"Shut your ass up. Sit tight and wait for your turn," he muttered.

I still can't believe they dragged Dean all the way here, despite his condition.

"Leave him alone. He has nothing to do with this." I said.

"Actually... he has." he says, signaling to Emielle, who is standing right in the corner.

She grabbed a knife from her side and stood beside Dean.

"Ah, Dean. You've been working here since the day we recruited you, and now you're repaying us with this? Meeting up with someone outside the camp, someone who's part of that group wearing animal masks. How kind of you."

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