the possesed

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tall bushes of green plants, night sky swallowing any light from above, cold damp ground under your feet and barely any light, and it smells like... smoke! looking back, you see that its burning!

stummbling back, you start running. through the bushes and allys they created, you cant see the exit or the start, its huge!

feet pattering on the cold ground, you run through the maze, looking for a way out, the fire behind you is roaring and burning. you pant and shout, but no sounds are coming out your throat as you run and scream, even tears start to trail down your cheeks.

"here in the forest... dark and deep...." sonething, or maybe someone, start singing behind you, deep voice echoing.

"i offer you eternal sleep..." it continued. with hands gliding on the walls of bushes, panting and shaking, you continue running through the maze, cursing everytime you hit a dead end and speed up every time you feel too close to the fires.

running through, you cant see anything besides the green mess of bushes that close you in the maze, no light, no signs, this is it.

with nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide, you continue looking for something you dont know.


while ron cried and shook on the ground of the forest, hermione treating his splinched arm, harry was with you.

harry was with both his legs on either side of you, his hands pinning you to the ground while he cried. you shouted and screeched, kicking and punching, crying like a banshee.

harry tried calming you down, holding you down while you were in a fit of rage, screaming and kicking, shouting at him to get off of you, with one eye white, and the other ink black.

it wasnt you, you werent like this. you looked possesed, and harry knew very well and done that this was gellert who was taking over you, gellerts soul was battling with yours, trapping you down in a cage in your head so he could use your body.

"{Y/N}! please, come back!" harry cried, shouting above you as you kept wrestling with him, screaming and shouting at him like a mad woman.

"come on {Y/N} dont let him! fight!" he shouts at you, recieving a punch to his jaw, but he still keeps holding you. "no! LET ME GO!" voice deeper then the ocean shouts at harry, your mouth seemed to open so widely it was inhuman, a wave of air comes out your mouth, and harry is practically blasted off of you, hitting a tree behind him.


"with this you shall never weep..." the song continued. its been so long while youre running here, and even though so much of the maze already burned, you couldnt find an exit, as if it continued growing infront of you.

your vision became slowly slowly more blurry, and your throat started to hurt, your hands became numb, it felt almost as if you were being erased.


"DONT TOUCH ME!" your body barked loudly, sending waves of air out of your mouth as your body punched the ground, causing it to crack and break, some stones and rocks float up from the ground as you shout and scream.

not giving up, harry launchs at your body again, the both of you falling on the ground again. harry reachs for your hand and grabs your fingers and starts pulling in hopes of getting the ring off of you.

you swatted your hand away and shouted "DONT TOUCH MY RING!" you barked, making a wave of air to exit your mouth again. harry covered his face as much as he could and tried resisting the wind while it wooshed over him, hermione was holding ron while this happened.

harry took anther step forward and finally grabbed onto your shoulder again, hearing you shouting at him, but even when your body started hitting him, he took anther step forward and wrapped both his arms around you.

your body kept hitting his back as he held you tight in his arms, trying to calm you down and reminding you who you are.

"come on {Y/N}... come back... you know who you are" harry says, and feels as your hits became slower and gentler, and finally, you fell down into harry, on the ground.

slowly, you come back to the forest, to harry, ron and hermione, and the maze dissapears as you start feelimg yourself again, your surroundings, the cold and the clothes that now didnt fit you well.

harry was hugging you tightly to his body, panting on your shpulder as he hugged you tightly. slowly understanding from the bent trees and harrys bleesing lip, you start crying and hug him back, apologizing.


"how is she?" harry asks hermione as she comes back to the tent, rubbing her arms. "not so good" she sighs.

hours after that outburst, you still refuse to speak with them, scared. scared of yourself, or scared to hurt them, or mad.

"i think shes fighting with him. i approached her and i heard her talking" she says, sitting down by ron and examines his injured arm.

harry looks out of the tent and to the dark forest, where he sees the beam of light from your hand, a small fire standing in the middle of your palm, and mutters coming from your area.

he closes the tent again, and looks back to ron and hermione, right before they all hear a yell from outside.


"im forbidding you from doing that!" you say sternly, watching the fire beaming in your palm. "you are not my boss! pathetic!" gellert answers.

"you listen to me!" you warn, yelling now, "this is my body! you are not allowed to take over and use it! ever!" you yell, standing up now and closing the fire in your palm, letting the darkness envelop you.

"you are just a little girl, just a little stronger than someone else. one more slip up of yours, and ill be able to take your pathetic body and make it my own!" gellert yells.

"you will do no such thing! this is me and my body, and you are nothing but a niusance to me! lie back and loose!" you call, stomping your foot and turning around dramatticaly, swatting your hand back and a wave of air exits your arm, breaking off a few trees, and with that, you go back to the tent.

you stomp in and stand at the front  looking between ron, harry, and hermione. panting, you look between them, silence.



"{Y/-" "im sorry" you cut her off, your breath shaking.

"im sorry i broke out like that. i didnt mean it." you say sternly, and sigh deeply.



harry gets up, and takes two steps closer to you.

he raises his arms, and envelops you in a tight warm hug.


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yours, the red demon♧

soul hunters (fred weasley x reader) book 4Where stories live. Discover now