How To Have Good Relationship

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So many people have negative perspectives about relationships on
behalf of unfortunate experiences, however for anyone who wants to
have a great or at least good relationship; it is attainable.

First and foremost remember that if it’s your first time in
relationship or getting into a new one to start with a clean slate.
Meaning, not holding anything against your new mate because of things
you’ve heard, seen or experienced in dating. Do not walk blinded
either, do keep in mind that there are unruly people who do not care
for a good relationship. Also keep in mind that someone else’s
experience doesn’t have to be yours, especially if it was a bad one.

Second, you should be open and honest. It doesn’t mean to tell every
gory detail right away; however it is healthy to be clear and
realistic about your expectations and what can be expected of you.

For the third portion, remember that in a relationship there will be
great, good and not-so-good moments. Losing a family member, friend,
pet, job, or anything that can cause emotional turmoil is no reason to
turn against one another. It is a great time to express your concern
and care.

Experiencing challenges or hardships are all tests of faith, so it
isn’t wise to look and expect leaving a situation to be the best
decision. Except when abuse or neglect is involved of course, then
those do not count.

How to have a good relationship really amounts to what both partners
bring to the relationship. Family and friends who inwardly despise
your otherwise great relationship may be an issue if one allows
themselves to be controlled by the thoughts and feelings of others.

So the serious parts are covered, though there’s always more worth to
mention. Oh I mustn’t forget another few key factors, loyalty,
communication and understanding, which I’ll save for the end because
it’s really the best.

Have fun together; make sure that you and your mate are compatible.
You don’t have to like every single thing the same but there has to be
a mutual ground of willingness to do things together and enjoy every
moment of it. Create memories together, because if not you’ll run out
of things to talk about and end up talking too much about other people
and their business!

Don’t compare or share! Yes let your relationship be yours, everything
is not everyone else’s business, so don’t feel obliged to tell all the
details of your romantic getaway. Keep it blunt and basic by saying,
“We had a great time, really looking forward to going again.” Or keep
it briefer than that. “It was nice, thanks for asking. How’s
everything with you?” Change it up on a nose bucket. I mean if you
wanted all of that personal stuff available you could record and share
it, right?

Also keep in mind that some people fabricate of how “wonderful’ their
relationship is by way of comparison, so again don’t be compelled to
rate yours vs. theirs.

When it comes to intimacy be fair, don’t harbor your sexual desires
with your mate. Enjoy one another and appreciate your oneness. Talk
about what you do and do not want to do. Accept having someone to
explore your sexuality with.

There are many ways to have a good relationship, but loyalty,
communication and understanding go hand-in-hand. Being loyal is more
than telling people that you are in a relationship; it is showing that
you are only interested in your mate. It is being there for your mate
as best as possible and being reliable to one another.

Communication helps in many ways and helps to build and clarify the
loyalty of the relationship. Talk about things that concern you, make
you happy or just topics that can lead to more conversation together.
Use the technology that is available to you and allow yourself to
accept that words and actions are the equivalent to complete

Interpreting how one feels or what one means and relaying it to how
you feel is what understanding is all about. Expression and perception
of another’s expression is what understanding is. So remember to
express yourself and be clear, so that lines are not crossed.

So in closing be for one another and make the best of what you have.
That is how to have a good relationship.

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