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Meredith pulls away' and she walks back to the table all are pagers go of 911.

Merediths POV
"There's a big trama" amelia says. We all go to the hospital some people carpooled. All of us get to the hospital "Bailey what's going on" I say "a race track all the divers crashed into each other. There first place racer had some troubles and made all the other one crash they crashed into the croud of people."Shepard, grey you go to trama 3" Bailey says
"13 year old watching the race with his parents then they came slamming into the bearer and hitting them. Hunt, Hayes you go to trama 1" she says she tells everyone else where to go. Then residents to check up on the beds For anymore severe injuries. The intending are on the really bad tramas. Me and hayes go to drink after the trama because it's so sad and draining we need something good to happen. So we're drinking in my office.

Hayes POV
Me and meredith go to my office for drinks since the dinner at her house was finished. I had tequila from in my office from the other night I grab two glasses. We drank quiet a bit we were talking and a piece of her hair falls in her face so I tuck it behind her ear. Placed my hand on her gawline she smiles I lick my lips. The distance between us you couldn't even put a piece of pepper between us. I kiss her gently i half take a breath as I did she straddled me and started kissing my neck. My hand are on her waist as I move up to her lower back. I kissed her I bit more agresive this time "wait" she says looking me in the eye she gets up off my lap and starts to walk away she locked the door closed the blinds. She straddled me once again 'continued kissing' she took of my top her eyes roamed my body.

Merdiths POV
I was roaming his body with my eyes.
His musucials don't even get me started he took of my top. As I bit my lip his hand ran through my hair I kissed him his tongue creeped in and I accepted. A moan slipped out of my mouth we took off all are clothes we he layed on the sofa with me on top still kissing. He flipped me so I'm on bottem kissing my neck another moan slipped out of my mouth. He pulled away to look at me "wow"he says "what" I say "you so beautiful" he says looking we keep kissing as we hear a knock on the door. "Hey Mer" we hear jo at the door knocking once more. I quickly put my clothes on answering the door with hayes behind it Still getting dressed. "Hey jo what did you want" I say with a bit of worrie in my voice. "Uh I was just going to say, your patient is awake and it's fine" she claimed "Ok great uh ye-h" I say shutting the door.
"That was close" he say giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

A N /// sorry my wifi didnt work yesterday. I know this is a short one im gonna post another chapter Wednesday enjoy.

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