Yandere Monster x Reader

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You couldn't sleep today.

You had slept normally all the other days, but today was different.

Was it the temperature of the room? Nah, it's just fine. Probably the same temperature since last night.

Was it the blankets you had? They're all so warm and fuzzy, so you highly doubt that.

Or was it the eyes outside your window staring at you? Bingo.

The eyes just stared at your body during the midnight, they just kept looking up and down your body. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Whoever this creep was they weren't that good of a stalker. You decided to ultimately close the curtains, go to the kitchen to get some water to maybe help you sleep, and then come back.

Once you came back with your glass of water, the curtains were back open. This is getting out of hand, whoever this creep was must've entered your house to open your curtains, because there isn't any other possible way you could think of.

And those eyes, are staring directly at yours. Not blinking. Remaining eye contact for what must've felt like minutes. Then the window began to crack. You stumble back at the sudden  noise, the monster's fists(A/N: or lack there of) still keep banging on the window, the crack getting bigger.

Then the window fucking shattered.

The Monster's hands begin to grab you at your neck and pick you up, you try to kick whatever the hell broke into your house but to no avail. "Is this how I die?" You thought. Unfortunately for you,  your eyes begin to slowly close, the last sight you see is this monster taking you to this.... house of some sort.


Your eyes dart awake to the inside of a part of a fancy house, though, it looks like it hadn't been taken care of for years. 

"Mmmmmm..." You hear a low growl-like tone of a voice, somebody must be here with you. "You look even more appetizing than you did last night!"  As you whip your head around to see the monster from last night. It's eyes looks like it's piercing straight through your soul, it's hands looks like they're weird letter "Y"s, the monster's head looks like a....lemon?

"W-what the hell?" You mutter to yourself, however the monster heard you. "Do not be afraid my love!" The "Lemon" Monster reassures, "Although... you do look tastier when you are frightened. La la la la~" "Are you going to eat me?" You yell out, "Lemon" Monster looks slightly intimidated by your shout, slightly moving away from you. "Maybe... though..." "Lemon" Monster thinks for a second before responding, "I might just keep you here for all of eternity!" What. The. Actual. Fuck. You attempt to run away from this, weird, creature, but you tripped and failed. "Lemon" Monster quickly caught up with you. "The door is locked dearest! Now you will be here forever..and ever...and ever.."

(A/n: godamn monster fuckers)

Word Count: 505 words

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