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~Y/N Pov~

"Nice, now tha- wait where did he say he put them?" I say.

"The bag probably." Akisha said.

"Okay, uhm, Mikasa, Annie, and Reiner go pick up the 20 tons of iron inside headquarters and Hanji, Armin, Levi, Eye- i mean Erwin, Akisha, and Matthew, stay with us, the rest that is uncalled, just chill, we'll call you when we need or when were leaving." I say.

"Okay" They all said as Mikasa along with Reiner and Annie go pick up the steel.

"Follow me, I need y'all's intellect." I say as they nod.

"Since when did I and Akisha become intellectuals?" Matthew said.

"Magic." I say with a chuckle.

~Timeskip to a piece of land with the bag~

"So, I'll figure something out." I say.

I start pulling out the outlet, and laid them in a open manner. We waited for the carriers to come, which was only a couple of minutes.

"Here's the carriers!" I say clapping my hands.

"Here's the steel, now what do you plan of this." Reiner said.

"Simple, I build a box with the steel, good thing Henry also bought in a welder in the bag so it should be easy to attach the steels."

"What's a welder?" Hanji asks.

"A tool which uses heat to like 'glue' pieces of steel together."


"Welp, let's get building." I say.

We then started piecing the rods and planned out a blueprint for the Dimension Hopper. I wanted a Doctor Who Hopper so I designed it that way, we started putting some steel rods on the side and place some horizontally on the ground to represent a vertical rectangle shape, we then did the other side, we now got the shape, all left is to weld them together. I welded the sides as Akisha got a welding helmet from the bag.

"How do these things just keep coming in the bag, what is this? Hermione's bag?" Matthew said as Me and Akisha chuckled.

"What's a Hermione?" Hanji asked.

"A person."

"Oh, what's so special about it?"

"It's a fictional character."

"But it's a person?"

"It's like a character in a book."


I heard the conversation and just chuckled then I caught the helmet that Akisha tossed me. I put it on then went to welding the rods. I welded one after the other then quickly finished.

"Now the roof." I say.

"Planning it a pyramid or just a flat top." Matthew asked.

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