(I got lazy on the fancy font thingy, bare with it pls :>)
~Y/n Pov~
"So what's your idea that you wanted everyone, including me. To join?" Henry said as he plopped down and crossed his arms.
"Before that, I need some sort of tally." I said.
"Oh I know! Me and Erwin found a whiteboard in the basement!" Hanji said.
"Oh yeah, I'll get it." I said as I walked down the basement and grabbed the whiteboard.
"Can I join?" Casey asked.
"Uh, sure I guess, but Henry isn't too fond of you though." I reminded him.
"I know, I know." He said as he helped me carry the whiteboard.
"Hai!" Casey said nicely as Henry went up in flames.
~Casey's Pov~
"What the fuuuuuuck"
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~Y/n Pov~
"Oh fuck." I exclaimed as I said Henry to calm down.
"Why is he here?" Henry asked still passive agressive.
"He's here for me, he said he wanted to come." I said nicely.
"Ayo, he kinda cute if you think about it." Sasha whispered to Jean and Connie.
"Still baffles me why he has blue hair though." Jean said scratching his hair.
"I mean, you have a different color of hair too." Connie said.
"At least I have hair."
"I- Sasha." Connie said looking at Sasha holding a eight cans of Pringles of eight different flavors.
"Hm? *Crunch* What you need? *Crunch*" Sasha replied.
Connie then whispered something to Sasha that Jean doesn't hear.
"What the hell are you plotting? I mean, you do look like you're bal-" Jean asked as Connie then smashed as destructible bowl prop at the forehead of Jean.
"O- ow." Jean said as he was laying down on the floor, defeated.
"At least I don't look like a horse." Connie replied as Sasha giggles.
"Erk..!" Jean said as he and Connie start throwing hands.
"Let's ignore them." Zeke said as he adjusted his glasses and readjusted his newspaper.