The Mysterious Stranger

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"This way ma'am" a flight attendant nodded toward me. "Oh, thank you" I said, shaken from the event before. It was unusual for a simple brush off like that to affect me. Weird. "Well, time to find my seat" I mumbled to myself. 32C, okay.... "Here it is" I said as I struggled to lift my bag into the carry-on area. "Here, let me" A gruff but guarded voice spat out. "Oh, no it's really fine" I resisted as he lifted my bag and carefully placed it in the right place. "Um, thanks" I awkwardly said as he looked around.

"What seat are you? I can help you find it" I offered. "No, I'm fine" he replied, still keeping his head down. "No, really, it's the least I could do. What number are you?" I asked. "32B" he replied with no aplomb. "Oh! You're right next to me! Right here" I pointed to the seat next to where we were standing. "Oh, right. Thanks." he coldly pushed past me and sat down. (Insert Awkward Silence). "I'm Cardamon" I offered to break the ice. "Right, okay" he replied. Way to go me; making the ice thicker. "You know you could at least tell me your name" I said, slightly ticked off. "Brooklyn" he said. "Okay. See now we're getting somewhere!" I bugged on.

"Look, I'm just trying to lay low. So lay off." he retorted. My mouth fell open in shock. "Excuse me? Unless you are a wanted criminal, in which case I want a seat change" I rambled. "God! Look, lady; My name is Brooklyn Beckham, and I'm just trying to avoid paparazzi. I ran away from my life, and now I have to go back and clean up the mess I've made. Please, for the love of all things good in the world. Don't. Say. Another. Word." he looked up and our eyes locked. I instantly shut up. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just. My life.. it's a" he grasped for the right word. "Mess" I inserted. "Yeah."

"Trust me. I understand. My life's not exactly all in order either" I comforted him. "Alright, well, you know my story so-" I cut in. "No, I know what the tabloids say. I don't know a bit of YOUR story" I smirked. "Feisty much?" He insinuated as I blushed a deep shade of rouge. He laughed and continued. "Well, I was playing for Arsenal U18, was about to finish high school, and had a great girlfriend. You know her right? Chloe" I nodded and he continued. "Our relationship had been kind of rocky, but she'd been really great and all lately. I went up to her hotel room one night to pick her up for our two year anniversary date, and... I walked in on her making out with her old boyfriend Julian" he swallowed hard but continued.

"I stood there in the doorway, as she protested that it wasn't what it looked like. Julian looked me straight in the eye and told me that she belonged to him now. So, I wrote my parents a note saying I needed to get away. I left and caused all sorts of trouble all over the world for the next year. I had a scandalous affair with the President's daughter, I was seduced by Chloe's former best friend, and then finally, I robbed every single Davidson and Licht Jewelry store in the greater Europe. I returned everything, obviously, and my parent's lawyers got me out of all punishment. Honestly I've gotten off pretty dang easy" he finished.

"So now what?" I questioned, taking everything I'd just heard in. "Well, now I go home; get an apartment, and try to restart" he took a deep breath. "Wow. That felt really good" he said in amazement. "Ya weird little dork, thank you" he said in gratitude. And I knew he really meant it. "So little good girl, what's your story?" Brooklyn asked with his signature smirky smile. I don't know why I let it affect me. "How'd you know? Does it show?" I questioned the veracity of his 'good girl' comment. "I'm pretty perceptive, that's all" he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. I laughed.

"Well, there's really not much to it all. I mean, I did an internship at a law firm straight out of high school, but then I dropped out as soon as my boyfriend of 3 years, and my boss' son dumped me. So, I hopped on a plane, took a suitcase full of everything I owned, and I am now seated next to a perceptive famous bad boy who's trying to rebuild his life" I finished with a smile. "Well, I see someone else who is quite perceptive" he smirked and laughed when I blushed. Dang sensitive blushing sucks.

"Hello passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We will be taking off in 5 minutes. Please fasten your seat belts. Thank you" a voice said over the intercom. We both laughed. This wasn't going to be too bad at all.

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