Getting off and Taking off

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"Passengers, we will be landing in just a few minutes. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened and your tray tables are up. And Thank you for choosing our airline" the pilot's voice aired over the intercom.

"Well, it has been an absolute pleasure talking to you Mr. Beckham or should I say in a lot of trouble bad boy Beckham'" I laughed and he managed a smile. "Sorry, I know it'll be hard but, you can do it..?" I offered meekly. He sighed. "Yeah, thanks". "Hey, what part of London are you staying in?" he continued. "Um, well it depends where I can get a hotel that costs less than $200 a night" I said, embarrassed at my seemingly helpless situation.

"Well, though it wouldn't look great to my parents..... how about you stay at my spare apartment until you get back on your feet?" he smiled. "You have two apartments? Geez....your parents are rich" I smiled. "So, do you want to? I'd be staying in my other apartment so it wouldn't be weird" he smiled. Oh my gosh his smile was beautiful. "Cardamon?" Brooklyn said, pulling me out of my daze. "Um, oh yeah! I mean that would be amazing, if it's not a problem" I stuttered.

He chuckled, "no, really it's my pleasure". "Wow, thank you so much" I got up and started to walk out of the plane. As soon as I'd left the plane I realized that I'd left my bag in the carry-on spot above my seat. "Dang Car, nice one" I mumbled under my breath. "You know, you don't have to talk to yourself. I'm here too" I smiled as I recognized a familiar voice. I looked up, "You don't happen to have...." I trailed off sheepishly. "Oh, this?" he said as he dragged my carry-on suitcase across the floor. "Well, see I was going to keep it, but.... I guess you can have it" he smiled as I jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. "Eager much?" he said, determined to embarrass me. "Well..." I blushed.

Brooklyn looked up. A look of alarm replaced the happiness that had once been there. "Oh no, the media must have gotten a hold of my flight details! Quickly, before they see us" he grabbed my hand and ushered me outside and into a limousine. "Well, looks like nothing much has changed, Mr. Beckham. Who's the girl and where should I drop her off so your parents don't see her" the chauffeur said nonchalantly. "No, Bert; she's just staying at my second apartment because she doesn't have a place to stay yet" Brooklyn answered smoothly.

"Okay then" 'Bert' said suspiciously. I affirmed Brooklyn's words in saying, "No really, Mr. Bert you have nothing to worry about. I'll be moving out as soon as I get back on my feet". "Alright, but Brook" he looked sternly back at him, "you came back to London to rebuild your reputation, not make it worse". Brooklyn nodded and Bert continued driving.

"So, Cardamon, do you have a job yet?" Brooklyn asked politely, aware that he couldn't act too friendly with me while Bert was listening. After all, he did work for his parents. "Actually, yes, I'm going to be a waitress at a local bar" I replied. So basically we continued making unconnected small talk the entire drive. Talk about boring. Thanks Mr. Bert.

The limo pulled to a slow stop. "Alright, Cardamon, this is your stop" Bert called out impatiently. "Here let me help you take your bags up" Brooklyn said as I got out of the car. "But I think Bert's in a hurry" I teased. "He can wait, he works for me silly" Brooklyn rolled his eyes and helped me out of the car. "Thank you" I said gratefully. "Bert open the back!" he yelled up to an obviously impatient driver. "Mhm wait a second" grumbled Bert. The car back opened up, and Brooklyn grabbed my big suitcase out, as I carried my carry-on luggage.

We made our way upstairs. "Wow, this is amazing!" I stood in shock and awe. "Yeah, it is pretty cool, isn't it?" he gloated jokingly. I slapped him playfully. "Ow!" he yelped. "Don't be a baby" I reprimanded him. "Now you better get downstairs before Bert comes and drags you down himself" I told him, and motioned down the stairs. "Yeah I guess. But if you need any help, I'm just down the street, and-" I cut him off. "You've already gone to enough trouble silly. I'll see you around, kay?" I smiled tiredly. "Alright, but get some rest" he managed to get out before I closed the door in his face.

What? It wasn't that rude. And just so you know, I'm not looking for another relationship. At all. Like, not at all.

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