Settling In

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I blinked open my eyes sleepily and groaned. My first day of work. Lovely. Why am I complaining? I was excited to work at the bar. Well, I wouldn't be working at the bar in the morning, at least. Brooklyn got me a day job at a breakfast/brunch/lunch place called 'London Cafe'. He had done way too much for me. I was just a crazy little girl trying to find her place in the world. He was the product of music and soccer royalty. R O Y A L T Y. Why was he helping me? Honestly he was kind of a jerk at first, but then he was really sweet.

7:15... Danget! I had to be down there by 7:30! I jump-started out of bed, threw on a pair black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, grabbed my make-up bag and a brush, and ran out the door. I had to walk there. And it was foggy. Lovely. "Hey sweetheart, where ya going?" a drunken British accent called out to me. I started walking even faster. "Come back 'ere darling" he yelled gruffly again. I did not deserve this, no, not on my first day of work! I felt a hand grasp around my waist and the smell of whiskey and smoke entered my head. "I said, come 'ere" he repeated. "Let go of me!" I struggled, not wanting to cause a scene.

"No." his rusty feeling hand grabbed my hand and pulled me into a very nice looking car. I turned around and broke out of his grasp. "hey, harry!" an Irish accent yelled. "Oh dang Niall, d'you get 'im drunk again?" a voice called out across the park where we were now standing. I felt another arm wrap around me and pull me out of this drunken man's reach. "Love, I am so sorry, it seems that our friend Harry had a few too many drinks last night" I turned around. "Wait, what, you guys are..." I trailed off in awe.

"Yes sweetheart we are one direction- but look-" Louis was cut off by his friend. "we are going to have to get to know you a little better aren't we?" the voice which I think belonged to Liam said. "Liam" Louis cautioned. "Hey, hey, I was kidding! But even drunk Harry has good taste, eh?" Liam joked.

"Look, guys, it's my first day of work down at the London Cafe, and I'm late, and I've gotta go-" Louis cut me off and said, "Look, I'll drive you down there, get to know you, and tell them it's our fault you're late" I stood at a standstill, shocked. "But why does it matter to you if I get fired?" I asked. "Well, I'd feel bad-" Niall cut in.

I smiled toward him as Liam continued, "Also, this little episode is something that the press would eat up, so to avoid that, we need you to become closer with us; patch things up with Harry when he gets sober, and keep your mouth shut about all this, kay?"

I stood in shock, "but I'd never-". "We know that you wouldn't tell the media, but they have their ways" Niall's feel-good Irish accent comforted me. "Oh, okay" I said in reply. "So, ready to go?" Louis questioned. "Uh, yeah" I mumbled awkwardly. He opened the door and motioned for me to get in. I ducked my head and got into the very nice car. We drove there in less than five minutes, and Louis made sure to enforce the 'don't tell' rule.

The car pulled to a stop and Louis took my hand and helped me out. I held onto his hand for just a moment too long. "Um, Cardamin?" he said warily. "You know I have a girlfriend, right?" he continued with a smirk on his adorable little face. "Uh, yeah, sorry, my bad" I spat out nervously. He laughed. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked comically. "No" I replied definitely.

"Do you want one? Cause if you did the boys and I could help you get him, ya know" he laughed when a confused 'huh?' left my mouth. "Well, you see, us guys, we get really jealous when other guys hang around a girl we like" he said as we continued walking down the street towards the London Cafe. I thought about this and started to say, "See this guy, he wouldn't like me anyway, but-" until Louis cut me off. "So there is someone, I knew it!" he teased as he chuckled and looked me in my eyes. "No, there's not. I don't want there to be. No" I shook myself out of my reverie. "Really, cause-" he butted in. "There's not" I said with much more seriousness this time.

"Cardamin!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked up to see Brooklyn motioning for me to hurry up. "I've got to go" I rushed off. "Wait! Let me tell him it's my fault you're late" Louis cut in. Louis ran up beside me and talked to Brooklyn. I looked down awkwardly and examined my black and gold nails. "her? Oh, right, okay- I'll go, nice to meet you Brooklyn" Louis whispered, nodded toward me and took off down the street. Brooklyn looked off into the distance and then back at me. "Come on Card, let's get you started here..." Brooklyn began, and I followed, with as much attention as I could; still puzzled from the end of the conversation I had just heard.

My life was a puzzle. One minute I feel like I've started over. The next I feel like I need to start again. One question always lingered in the back of my mind though.

Was there one piece I couldn't find all by myself?

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