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I had to find him. I couldn't do this alone. He was right. I knew that now. Where would he have gone? His letter said that he had to be back for Paris Fashion Week, but that wasn't for three weeks! And I needed to see him before then.

I called the only person who I knew outside of Brooklyn. Louis. Louis, oh god he would help me, right? He had given me his number in case of emergency, and I counted this as one. I dialed the number and waited. After five or six rings, he picked up. "Hello?" Louis voice echoed in my head. "Um, Louis? It's Cardamin" I said nervously. "Oh, hi! What'd ya need?" he answered in the most beautiful British accent that I had ever heard. Well maybe the second most beautiful. But lets keep that to ourselves. I quickly recovered and responded, "Brooklyn disappeared and I need to find him and I-" he cut me off. "Cardamin, guys sometimes need time away. And Brooklyn, well, he needed to clear his head, and-" this time it was me who cut in.

"Excuse me? YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS?" I screamed into the phone, crying. "Look, Cardamin, Brooklyn was really hurt the last time he fell in love, and he just needed time to be away from love, or the possibility of it" Louis tried to calm me down. "Okay, so you are telling me that you're friends with him, possibly know where he is, and that I....." my voice cracked and faded out. I clicked the call off and whispered to myself, "He thought I was a possibility to love, and he only associates love with hurt" a small tear dripped down my face. I let it fall to the ground.

He said I was different. He knew I was different. I knew how to find him. It seemed impossible. But it was possible because it had to be. First I had to find Louis. In person. I grabbed my phone and ran down the steep stairs of my, his apartment. My phone rang and I looked down the caller I.D. My ex. Yeah, right. I looked at it again. I hesitantly clicked the accept button and answered with a stark, "What?". "Hey, baby, it's just me" a sleazy voice belonging not to my ex, but Damon cooed. "Damon? What do you want you low, base, disgusting creep?" I fumed.

"Hey, you were always unhappy with that little boy toy of yours, and I always knew we had something" Damon continued to coo. "I met you maybe three or four times! What do you want?" I yelled into the phone. "I know where your little friend is....but if you really hate me that much I mean....." he trailed off. "What did you do to him Damon?" my voice became quiet and intimated. "Oh, nothing, actually that was probably what I should have done, now that I'm thinking about it. Nah, I just happened to accidentally redirect his plane that was going to America to... I don't know....Somewhere where nobody would ever think of finding him? And just to let you know, there are no flights for that freaking lemur to get off of that specific island until next month" Damon spat out in spite, and I could feel his smirk through the phone.

"What do you have against him?" I yelled at him in fury. "He is perfect. He has your attention. AND He told you about what I did to you and Matt" he fumed. "Are you kidding me? Are you a hormonal teenage girl on her period? That is RIDICULOUS. How the heck do you know if he has my attention, and how do you know what he has or has not told me?" I questioned with veracity. "Because we used to be friends you freaking idiot" his voice lowered and he uttered a somberly simple, "Bye".

He hung up and I was left sitting on the sidewalk outside my, his, condo. An island. That didn't have flights going out for the next week. Wait, why did he call Brooklyn a lemur? What the heck? Wait.....Madagascar. That freakishly awesome weird little movie. The Lemurs!! Madagascar! I went straight to the source of all knowledge. Siri. She has saved my behind many, many times. "Siri, girl don't fail me now" I whispered into my phone as I asked the important question. "Siri, are there any flights from Madagascar to England?" She answered, "Hi Cardamin, the next available flight from Madagascar to England is on November sixteenth of this year". It was October seventeenth. "Thanks Siri!" I replied, ecstatic. Ha, Damon couldn't trick me.

But wait, how would I get to him if he couldn't get home to England for another month?

Answer: I would be making a trip to Madagascar. God, what had this boy done to me?

I turned on my phone and went to Siri for more help. "Siri, when is the next flight from London to Madagascar?"

A/N: Oh my gosh you guys have sent me some of the sweetest messages about how much you like "The Unlikely Story" and it is so sweet!! Honestly, I couldn't ask for better readers. You guys rock. You keep the likes, comments, and favorites coming; I'll keep the updates coming. Love to you all from Me! 😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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