Dorm Incident

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    Today was Kana's first day at the UA dorms, how coincidental was it that it was also the day she despised the most?

 It was a Saturday morning so she had a weekend to get settled. She already knew 8 people, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?
She was anxious, what if they found out she was with the LoV? What would they do? Send her to prison? Torture her until she said information? Lock her up in an asylum (her mental state was not the best)? Kill her?

'You idiot!' she scolded herself, 'You're the sister of the leader of the LoV! Your dad can teleport you away in less than three seconds!'

Before her thoughts could go to the events today 10 years ago, she walked to the doors with her baggage in her hands and walked in. In the common room, she saw Katsuki with his feet on the arm of the couch, she also saw Iida screaming at him.

"Hello!" she announced, getting everyone's attention.

"Hey, it's that girl from the quirk test!" most of the students whispered.

"Wow! Look at her outfit!"

Oh, forgot to mention, she was wearing this:

"Kana! You look hot!" Mina exclaimed, blushing a bit

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"Kana! You look hot!" Mina exclaimed, blushing a bit.

Kana thanked Mina and looked around and saw a face she didn't see at the quirk test. He is a young man with messy, indigo-colored hair that flares out in large tufts around his head and notably straight teeth. His eyes are dark purple with white pupils, and are thin and somewhat triangular in shape, pointing downward, with no visible eyelashes. His eyes were half-closed, and he has very dark eye bags underneath them. She remembered him as Hitoshi Shinso, the one who lost against Izuku

"You're new," he said, as they made eye contact.

"Kana Tanaka, the new student," Kana said in a happy tone as she put her hand out.

"Hitoshi Shinso and I had no idea there was a new student," he shook her hand.

"Well, you learn new things every day," she said jokingly as she took a seat, putting her baggage in a corner.

'Hmm, she seems too innocent for her clothing,' he thought as he looked her up and down one last time, discreetly of course.

Kana learned all their names and soon knew them so well she was classified as a friend. They continued to talk while she was wandering through her dark and dangerous thoughts.

'If I did it, I would not have met Tomrua, but if he didn't find me at that moment, I would be an angel... That doesn't sound like such a bad idea... But I can't now, I have a 'life', I have a family, and I only now have reunited with Touya and Shoto...' she was broken out of her thoughts when Mina, who was on her phone, asked, "Does anyone know this song?"

She played it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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